Chapter 20

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Gerard's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see Frank smiling down at me. "Hey." I say as I smile back at him.

"Hey, baby." He leans down and kisses my lips, briefly. "How's my Angel feeling?"

I frown and choke out a laugh. Groaning as my side starts hurting. "Angel? Why Angel?"

"You are a guardian angel." He answers. "You saved Mikey again."

Shit. Mikey. I force myself to sit up, scanning the room for Mikey. "Where's Mikey?" I ask Jeremy when I can't see him.

Jeremy frowns. "Bathroom. Why?"

I hold my side as I climb off the hospital bed. I don't give a shit if the stitches come out. I have to find Mikey.

Oli grabs my arm as I head for the door. "Your not supposed to move so fast." He said as Frank grabbed my other arm.

"I have to get to Mikey." I snap as I try to pull away.

Frank frowns at me. "Jeremy just said he's in the bathroom."

I look at him. "You don't understand." I sigh, still moving for the door. "Mikey probably blames himself for me getting hurt. He will do something stupid. He always does."

Frank's frown deepens. "He didn't when you were in the wheelchair."

I shake my head. I know I promised Mikey. But I have to get him help now. Before it's too late. "He did." I sigh. I look at Jeremy. "He cut. His arms. His legs. Wherever he could. Stop him, please." I pleaded.

Jeremy's eyes widened and he shot from the room. Oli, Ray and Bob in tow.

Frank looked at me with concern. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I open the door and look down the hall towards where the others had run. "I promised him. He promised to never do it again."

There's a shout from the bathrooms. I move faster with Frank's help. When we get in the doorway, Mikey is holding a scalpel out towards his wrists. He won't let anyone near him. Even Jeremy. The doctor and two male nurses are trying to calm him down.

"Leave me alone." He snaps, tears rolling down his face.

"Come on, Mikey." Jeremy tries. "Gerard's okay."

"No thanks to me." Mikey snaps back. "Get away from me. All of you." I push away from Frank. "Gerard will be better without me." I rush towards him, pushing past everyone and dropping to my knees infront of him. He looks back at me. His face softens slightly. "I'm sorry, Gee." He chokes out. "Everything will be better when I'm gone."

"No." I sob. "I can't lose you, Mikey."

"But you always get hurt because of me." He protests.

"So your gonna kill yourself to make things better?" I snap. I grab a scalpel off the tray by his feet. He must have been trying to find the perfect one. I hold it to my throat. Frank cries out. Oli and Jeremy have to hold him back. Mikey looks scared. "If your gonna die, so am I."

Mikey shakes his head. "No." Fresh tears fall from his eyes. "You can't die."

"I can't live without you. Your my little brother. Your everything to me."

"You have Frank." He protests again.

"I know. But I would have to give him up. Because I would drag him down with me if I lost you. I can't do that. So if you die, I die."

"No." Frank screams out again.

Mikey looks up at Frank. Then back at me. He drops the scalpel so I drop mine. He cries out as he rushes into my arms

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