Chapter 39

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Frank's P.O.V

​I tried to get Gerard talking. But he just hugged me, shaking. I managed to get him onto a chair. Then I shouted everyone. They all rushed in with concern etched on their faces.

​"What's wrong?" Mikey asked, staring at Gerard.

​"I don't know." I said, frowning. "I came down and found him sat on the floor, shaking. He hasn't spoken yet."

​Gerard pulled away and looked at Mikey, wide eyed.

​Mikey froze and looked scared.

​Oli spoke up. "Oh god no." He said, anger in his eyes. "I know that look."

​Jeremy made me and mum jump when he banged a fist onto the table. "Son of a..." He snapped, rushing to hug Mikey.

​"Someone mind letting us in on it?" Mum asked.

​Oli sighed as he tried to calm himself. "Their dad."

​"H...he phoned." Gerard muttered, quietly as he stared at Mikey.

​"What?" Oli snapped.

​"How the hell did he do that?" Mum asked, angrily. "His calls are supposed to be monitored."

​"H.he said he's going k...kill me." Gerard whispered.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"He'll have to get through us lot first." I said as I pulled him into a hug.

​"I am not having this." Mum snapped as she stood up, taking her phone out and heading out the room.

​"D..did he say anything about" Mikey asked.

​"No." Gerard pulled Mikey and Jeremy into our hug. "I won't let him hurt you, Mikey. I promise."

​Oli joined in the hug. "Sorry." He muttered. "I felt left out."

​Gerard laughed. "We could never leave you out."

​Gerard's P.O.V

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​One hour later.

​I was sat on the couch with my head on Frank's shoulder when Linda walked in. Mikey was sat next to me with his head on my shoulder. Jeremy and Oli were sat on the other couch. Linda sat by Oli, grabbing his hand and staring at me.

​"After a lot of screaming and shouting." She started. "The prison has admitted their mistake and have apologised. I told them it's not good enough. I've made a official complaint. They have moved him to solitary. He's lost all phone privileges. But to be on the safe side, you need to change your number."

​I smile as Frank squeezes my hand. "Thank you, Linda." I mutter.

​"My pleasure." She smiles as Oli drags her into a hug.

​I felt a little better. But I know he's not going to be in prison forever. I need to make sure Mikey's safe for when he's out. I need to keep everyone safe. But how?

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