Chapter 35

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Frank's P.O.V

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​Next morning. 6:09am.

​I stared down​​​​​​​​​​​​ at Gerard's sleeping face. He really was perfect. His handsome face finally looked peaceful. He didn't have to worry about Mikey anymore. He had plenty of money to keep them both for life. All he had to worry about now is school. But seem as he was smart as fuck, he doesn't have to worry about that either. He didn't even have to worry about Grant Cooper. I still don't know what he and Mikey have on Grant. But I would love to find out.

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​Lunchtime. In school.

​I stepped out of the art class. I was really worried. Mikey was missing and Gerard had gone to the bathroom before class and never returned. Where were they? I headed for the bathroom. Once inside, I checked for Gerard. Empty. I turned to leave but came face to face with Grant. Yay. Just what I wanted.

​"Hello, short stack." Grant sneered as his two friends grabbed one of my arm's each."No boyfriend to protect you?"

​"Ya sure about that?" We all looked over to the doorway to see Gerard and Mikey leaning against the wall. "I had a feeling you were going to try to get to me through Frank." He sighed. "Your so predictable. So I skipped class with Mikey so we could do a little printing and posting."

​Grant rushed forward to stare menacingly in Gerard's face. "You fucking faggot."

​Gerard smiled. "Yep. I am." His smile turned into a wicked lop sided grin. "Not that you was complaining back then."

​"I think your bluffing." Grant sneered. "That would make you look bad too."

​Mikey laughed.

​"Did I ever tell you how talented Mikey actually is?" Gerard smirked. "He knows how to take pictures aswell as edit out people who don't want their faces to be seen. The guy you...forced yourself on is faceless."

​Forced? What is he talking about? Wait...'Incriminate yourself'. No. Grant tried to force himself on Gerard? The fucking prick.

​Grant raised his fist  to hit Gerard. But Gerard dodged it so Grant hit the wall instead. Gerard grabbed his other arm and raised it up his back. Mikey opened the door and Gerard pushed Grant out then turned to my captors. He held his hand out to Mikey. Mikey passed him a a4 piece of paper. Gerard watched my captors as he turned the paper to show them a picture of Grant forcing a guy from behind against a tree. The guy was held in place by his arm up his back and a hand around his throat. The guy's face was blacked out. Nothing recognisable about him. But I knew it was Gerard. I looked at him, tears in my eyes. He had to go through that on top of everything else?

​"Do you really want to be associated with a rapist faggot?" Gerard asked, smirking. "Now the whole school knows?" He turned the picture round. On the back were the words, 'Grant Cooper raped this guy. Then becomes the popular well liked jock. Is this the kind of person you want representing your school?'. "Well?" Gerard said. "What's it gonna be?" He looked at the mousy brown haired guy on my right. "Jaunty?"

​Jaunty let me go and shook his head. "I didn't know." He said as he backed up. 

​Gerard looked at the black guy on my left. "What about you, Jamil?" He asked. "You used to be a nice guy till you started hanging around with Grant."

​Jamil let me go. "I would have never have listened to him if I'd have known." He walked over to Gerard. "What he did was disgusting. I don't care that he's gay. But rape is disgusting. I hope he gets his fucking arse kicked."

​Then Jamil and ​​​​​​​​Jaunty left.

​Gerard smiled at me as he scrunched up the picture and binned it. "Wanna join us for lunch, baby?"

​I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

​Gerard sighed as he looked down into my face. "It was before us." He stated. "It was my first year here. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to remember it." He closed his eyes and put his head back. "Every time I think about what he did to me. I feel sick." He swallows a lump in his throat. 

​Mikey sighed. "For weeks he cried on my shoulder." He said. "He had nightmares every night. Of course mum and dad didn't believe him. He had to cope with that on top of dad's beatings. I couldn't do anything to help him. To make him feel better."

​Gerard pulled him into our hug. "You did." He said. "You punched him. Actually more like beat him to a pulp. Then you stayed with me. You being there is what made me want to get up and get over it. I wouldn't have been with my Frank if you hadn't been there for me. You made me strong enough to not give in."

​Mikey smiled, then pulled away. "Can we get lunch now? I'm starving."​​​​​​​​​​​​

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