Chapter 10

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Frank's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do. Gerard had gone through so much. Now he's stuck in a bloody hospital. He'd protected his brother at a personal beating to himself. He's a fucking angel. I'm so deep in thought, I don't hear the doctor open the door till Mikey taps my arm. We all look up. Oli rushes forward.

"How is he?" He asks. Concern filling his face.

"The doctor looks at him. "You may want to sit down, sir." Oh god no. What's happened to my Gerard?

"Please just tell us." Oli pleads.

The doctor sighs. "Okay. He had quite a fall. It's left him with three broken fingers on his left hand and two broken on his right. Four broken ribs. A two inch gash to his head and..."

Oli looks devastated. I understand why. I feel the same.

"And?" Oli urged.

The doctor looked exhausted. "And he has a damaged spine which has effected his mobility."


"Meaning he won't be able to walk."

Oli dropped onto a seat and put his head in his hands. Jez pulled Mikey into a hug as he broke down. I just stared at nothing. Gerard can't....walk? Oh god. That's horrible.

"It may or may not be permanent. "The doctor soothed.

Oli looked up. "How much of a chance does he have?"

"Best I can say is fifty fifty. I'm so sorry."

"When can we see him?"

"Whenever your ready."

Gerard's P.O.V

I can't walk? Oh god no. I can't be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I know I'm not athletic or ought. But I need my legs.

The door opened and Oli, Jez, Mikey and Frank walked in. I just kept my eyes on the ceiling. Oli grabbed my hand. "This can't be happening." I mumble.

Mikey started to cry. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Gerard. I'm so sorry."

I move my gaze to him and hold out my hand. He walks over to me and grabs my hand, gently. "Mikey, look at me." He does after a few minutes. "I would do it all again, go through it all again to keep you safe. That's my choice, not yours. It's not your fault. Okay?"

Mikey nods.

I look at Oli. "Can I have a few minutes with Frank, please?" He nods, then helps Jez lead Mikey out to the waiting room. I look at Frank. He looks nervous. "I guess you don't want to be with me now."

Frank shakes his head and looks at me in disbelief. "Yes I do." He says as he sits on the bed. He leans down and gives me a small kiss. "Your amazing, Gerard Way. I want you even more now I know your an angel."

I laugh. "Your weird."

"You noticed then?"

"And a pervert." I laugh as he blushes.

"Only with you. Anyway, you carried on walking around naked even though you knew what I was doing. What does that make you?"

"A performer." I said, straight faced. We both laughed out loud. "Anyway I wanted to ask if you minded me taking a rain check on our date till I can move again?"

Frank smiled. "Of course."

"I will walk again. I promise."

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