Chapter 12

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One month later.

I'm really pissed off now. This fucking chair is ruining my life. I can't do fuck all. Oli had to lift me in and out of the fucking bath. I can't even stand up to piss. I hate this fucking chair. So I do the only thing I can think of. I call Frank and some other friends over. I grabbed my mobile and started calling Frank. He answered straight away.

Frank: "Hey, babe."

Me: "Hey. Come over?"

Frank: "Sure."

Me: "Meet me in the garage in ten minutes?"

Frank: "Will do. See you then. Bye, babe."

Me: "Bye."

I smile as I wheel myself into the garage.

Ten minutes later.

Frank's P.O.V

I walk into the garage to see Gerard laughing at a guy with a fro. He looked like the guy in the Killjoys drawing Gerard did thd day I met him. Mikey was tuning a bass guitar. There was another guy sat behind a set of drums. I recognise him as Bob Bryar from school. Gerard looked up and waved me over. I sat in the chair next to him and smiled. "Hey, baby."

Gerard leans over and kisses me on the lips then gestures to the guy with the fro. "This is Ray Toro." He says. "I've known Ray all my life. He's always been a good mate."

I smile at Ray. "Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise." He says smiling back.

All eyes turn to Gerard. "You all are probably wondering why I called you here." He started, then he exchanged a smile with Mikey. "Frank plays guitar, Ray plays guitar. Bob plays drums. Mikey plays bass guitar and I sing. Let's start a band. You guy's could join us at regionals if we work out."

Everyone agreed it was a good idea. So we began practicing. We practiced for two hours before Oli and Jez walked in and demanded we play a song for them. Gerard chose a song called I'm not okay(I promise). Afterwards Oli and Jez applaud.

"That was fucking brilliant."Jez says.

"Awesome." Oli agrees.

Suddenly Gerard wheels his chair towards the middle of the room and turns to face us all. He smiles at us. "I've been waiting to get you all together for a couple of days now."

Oli frowns with concern. "What's up, Gerard?" He asks.

"Well I've been working on things for a while now and..." He grins as he pushes out of the chair. We all stare wide eyed as he takes a few steps towards Mikey. He's walking. Gerard is fucking walking.

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