Chapter 33

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Frank's P.O.V 

​​​​​ Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>

​Gerard didn't seem his usual happy self lately. Ever since the day in Mr Martins office. I caught him looking at Mikey on several occasions looking...sad. He seemed so distant. I was really worried about him. We were sat in the lounge with Mikey. Mikey was in the chair watching Supernatural. I was sat on the couch with Gerard sat next to me. We were holding hands but he was staring, sadly, at Mikey again. I don't think Mikey's noticed. Probably because Supernatural is both Mikey's and Gerard's all time favourite program. I loved it just as much. But I was too worried about Gerard to care.

​Mikey stood up when the commercials came on. "I'm gonna fetch us some snacks and coffee's." He said heading to the kitchen. "Won't be long."

​Gerard watched him with the same expression. No reaction to the coffee. Proof that something was really wrong. 

​I turned to face him and cupped his cheek, turning him to face me. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked.

​He faked a smile. "Nothing."

​I pulled him onto my lap and pushed his head, gently, to rest on my shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart." I said as I kissed the top of his head. "I want to help."

​He sighed as he grabbed my hand in both of his and rested them on his lap. "You'll think I'm stupid."

​"No I won't. I could never think that of you." I told him. "I love you too much."

​He sighed again and began running his thumb over the back of my hand. Watching the movement. "I kind of feel useless."

​I frowned. "Why?"

​"Cos Mikey doesn't really need me anymore." He said, sadly.

​"What do you mean?"

​​​​​ "He has Oli, Jeremy and your mum now.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​" He stated."I used to be the person who protected him. Looked out for him. Been there through whatever problems he had. He's my life. He's all I ever had till you lot came along. Now he doesn't need me."

​"Bullshit." We both jumped and turned to see Mikey putting a full tray on the coffee table. He crouched down in front of us. "I'll always need you." He told Gerard as he grabbed his hand. "You are my life too. You've always been there for me. No matter what. You will never be useless to me. To any of us. I love you, Gerard. I always will."

​Gerard pulls Mikey onto his lap and hugs him.

​"As great as this is." I say after several minutes of getting squashed. "My leg's are getting as flat as pancakes and I need them for stuff like walking."

​They both laughed, but didn't move till Supernatural came back on. Mikey sat back in his chair but Gerard stayed on my legs.

​"My legs still hurt ya know." I pointed out.

​"Tough." He said, then kissed me. It was only briefly. But I was suddenly glad he was there because every time he moved, he brushed against my crotch. And I was getting hard. He pulled away and put his mouth to my ear. "Think you could walk upstairs? Cos I think little Frankie needs my attention." He stood up and headed for the stairs, grabbing our coffee's as he past them. He didn't have to ask me twice.​​​​​​​​​​​​

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