@BillTemple1957 (Grandfather)

651 75 78

I wasn't going to be a part of this, but what the hell.

By the way.... I will get you back Assouda.

Anyway, here is some crap about me.

I hated Poetry until I was about 15 years old. It was then I discovered Bob Dylan and realized that songs were just poems put to music. I wasn't too bright as a teenager.

Started playing guitar at 15. I now play guitar, bass, keyboards, mandolin, drums. I don't play any of them very well, but I love to play. I have actually recorded about 40 songs, but don't ask. You will probably never hear them.

I was chronically shy as a teenager. That all changed when I started playing in a rock band. I then proceeded to become a major asshole.

I have had 3 compressed fractures of the spine and both my knees are a mess. Doctor once told me I would not be walking by the time I was in my 40s. I guess the laugh is on him.

I love numbers. I used to suck so bad at Math, but now, I am as fast as a calculator. Well, I am getting old now, so I am slowing a little.

I love writing. I have no idea how many poems I have written, but it is on the thousands and I have written over 700 songs (most suck). I love writing stories and I have hundreds of short stories and about 20 novels written. Again, most suck.

I tend to talk a lot. And I have thousands of stories. I have lived an interesting life and if I kicked the bucket today, I don't think I would feel ripped off. I have done most of what I have wanted to do.

I don't have many friends. People bore me very quickly. And most people either love me or hate me. I tend to be a little outspoken and I usually say things as I see them. Of course I have a rather twisted way of looking at the world. Not many agree with the way I look at the world. And personally, I don't give a shit.

I love cats. They love unconditionally and they are so easy to look after. I once had 7 of the frisky felines, but now I only have 2.

The Poets Pub was a dream of mine and I talked Bella into doing it with me. I never expected it to become the success that it has. But I am so proud of all the amazing Poets that have become a part of this tremendous site. I actually get a bigger kick out of seeing other people succeed, than I do in seeing myself do so. I feel like the matriarchal grandfather, looking out on his family. And I am very proud.

So Bella, my dear friend.....

You are next on the hit list. Sorry.


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