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thank you @tamoja for this.

1. I'm a hardcore lefty. If I break my left hand/arm, I'd be an invalid. This isn't a joke.

2. Most people here assume I'm a 17-year-old girl [haha!]. But I'm actually in my 20's with one of those boring corporate careers that revolve around contracts and tons of paperwork. Thank God for Wattpad.

3. My sisters and I own seven cats. Make that 7+ because some are on the way. I love cats, they're self reliant and smart. It needs a bit of work to earn their trust and love. But once you get it, you have it forever. Cats are notoriously loyal.

4. I play the guitar and could sing pretty well too.

5. I'm an excellent cook. Cooking is one of the things-aside from writing- that I would never tire of doing. I love pasta, ramen, jjajangmeon, and anything with noodles and lots of spices, especially pepper (note the username). I eat a lot but don't get fat.

6. Books dominate majority of my room space. I have a decent collection of novels and whatevers and they're the first thing you see upon entering.

7. Languages and culture tickle my fancy. I studied 2 foriegn languages[ Arabic and Bahasa Melayu, excluding English which isn't my first language]. I plan on learning French, German and Japanese next :)

8. I'd rather be blind than deaf. I mean, I simply cannot imagine my world without sound. I can close my eyes and just drown in sounds. But of course, I'm thankful I'm neither blind nor deaf.

9. I'm doomed to wear glasses for the rest of my life. I have astigmatism that gets worse every year plus other eye issues. But I don't let this get me down or stop me from reading all this beautiful stuff on Wattpad.

10.If I could have super powers, I'd like the ability to read minds and hear thoughts. Just imagine... *stares into space*

I nominate @theoldpoet and @EdwinBrown9

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