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1. The first signs of my affinity for writing manifested as far back as first grade, but I didn't seriously start writing-and got into poetry-until the age of nine. It was on and off, because I didn't like my works, and I never kept them, but that changed as of about my eighth-grade year of schooling.

2. I have entire notebooks filled with poetry; I plan to have many more filled by the time I'm on my deathbed.

3. I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes at the age of four years old. I have been dealing with it ever since. A lot of times, people don't even realize it until they ask about that "phone case" at my hip. I'm on an insulin pump.

4. The number four follows me around in life. Case and point: I was born on September 4th, I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of four, and although I won't be giving my name out publicly, know that I'm the fourth in my family.

5. I believe I got it from my dad, and maybe the life I had growing up influenced it, but for some reason, I seem to find myself being the head figure of a lot of groups. I wind up banding people together almost unconsciously. The most amusing part about this fact is that I'm not an extrovert.

6. I spend a lot of time just... thinking about stuff. Anything, really. I like to let my mind wander because I always come up with something new to consider. If I'm talking about a matter, you'd better believe I've spent a total of weeks thinking about it beforehand.

7. Loyalty is my highest value; I'd bite the bullet for those I care for, multiple times if I have to.

8. Once upon a time I had a lot of issues with anger. You can even find evidence of that in my earlier works, here. I had a terrible temper. That's changed. I realized some things.

9. There's this joke between my family and I that I'm not human; I hardly sleep, yet can function at 100%; I never get cold, but I can't handle the slightest bit of heat. I don't even get goosebumps in snowstorms in short-sleeve shirts.

10. I have extreme issues approaching someone first, be it online or in person. I panic. My mind tries to tell me that "if they want to talk to you, they will seek you out. Otherwise, you're going to be pestering them". I've been getting better with that, but it's still a challenge.


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