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2. I actually first started writing after I was hit by a sudden idea while in a completely normal situation. I was throwing out the trash. The wind blew in my hair. BAM! Inspiration! XD

3. I don't like sleeping. Believe it or not. I've developed a hatred for it over the past 2 years so instead of sleeping I just close my eyes and stay quiet for the longest of times. I only sleep when it's necessary! (so like 8 hours in 2 nights)

4. I'm a freshman in High School

5. I have been the tallest girl in my class for all my school years. I was the tallest in the ENTIRE class up until the 8th grade. (the giants transferred to my school *cries*

6. I'm a Muslim! And a proud hijabi (I cover my hair)! ^.^

7. I have never watched a horror movie in my life and I don't plan to.

8. I don't like to be tied down to one place, person, or object for too long.(a phobia of emotional attachment of some sort I guess xD)

9. My favorite soccer team is FC Barcelona (closely followed by Manchester United)

10. I feel terribly selfish and self absorbed whenever I talk about myself for too long. (This is a perfect example)

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