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Disclaimer: All movies of Jurassic Park are not mine. In some parts if the dialogue looks the same with the movies, well it is. I only own the character of Aella. And some parts of her life. Try to enjoy this. With Love Darelly.

⇛ 8.0

Three Years Later...

Aella Grant was now 15 years old, thanks to her IQ of 180 she was one year to graduate from the University of Harvard and get her PhD's on paleontology, genetics and microbiology, and soon she would love to get other ones like biochemistry, cell biology; even Ian convinced her to try being also a mathematician. Fortunately being known as "the girl who survive alone in the island" had its perks, the University accepted her immediately.

After the events of the island, Alan and Aella wrote together a book about the new facts they had found while they were on the island. Before the book had been published, Ian Malcolm kept in contact with the Grant's, mostly Aella, the moment she knew that Ian was going to go back to the island started to scream at him claiming he had lost his mind. One night Alan and Aella were watching the news when suddenly they were watching the report of a T-Rex in San Diego. Alan immediately called Ian if he had something to do with what they just saw, anger filled Aella when she knew the scientists and hunters had kidnapped the T-Rex and the baby just to be the first attraction on a new Park, the Grant's were thinking if they didn't learn anything, making another park was just wrong, no matter how much they thought they could control the dinosaurs they couldn't.

In the present time, Alan and Aella were on a tour conference about their book. The last stop was a public lecture hosted by some foundation. There were scientists and students there, but also a lot of "Dino-fans", some even with costumes.

The Grant's were finishing their speech to what was a full house some attendees were grabbing their coats and sneaking out. This wasn't the exciting guest speaker they were all expecting.

A new slide came up. Just black and white, and indecipherable.

"It's through the painstaking study of the interior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine this exciting correlation between the larynx and the upper plate" Alan said then turned to his daughter to continue, giving him a small smile she continued.

"That lets us theorize -- theorize, mind you – that the raptor might have been capable of bird like vocalizations. Which as you can imagine, would be a tremendous breakthrough" Aella finished.

When she finished no one seemed to notice at first. Then the sympostium leader stood up, leading a smattering round of applause.

"Thank you very much Dr. Grant. And Ms. Grant who in a year will be also a doctor" Aella lifted her head proud while her father rested his arm in her shoulders "Now does anyone have a question?" Nearly every hand went up. Neither of the Grant's seemed surprised.

"Does anyone have a question that doesn't relate to Jurassic Park?" Alan asked. Quite a few hands went down "Or the incident in San Diego, which I'll remind you, we did not witness" Few hands went down again but still a lot were lifted. Aella rolled her eye knowing why.

"How did I survive alone in the island, it is a question related with Jurassic Park" Aella said annoyed. Now most of the hands were down. She picked one of the few remaining.

"Your theory on raptors is good and all, but isn't all this conjecture kind of moot?" one of the student's said while his buddy's nodded in agreement "I mean, once the U.N. and Costa Rica and everyone decides how to handle the second island, scientists will just go in and look for themselves."

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