After the Waterpark

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EmmaSavior-The water park was a BLAST!

DashingHook-Aye, that it was

YourMajesty-Again, something I didn't know about

EmmaSavior-Yah, too bad you didn't come

YourMajesty-I did come! And I didn't approve

EmmaSavior-Well I hate to break it to you but I don't think that even you can take away that water park. Everyone loves it

MagicBeliever-Yah, I love it!

YourMajesty-I guess if Henry likes it it can stay

DashingHook-All because the little boy enjoys it

YourMajesty-Not just because of him! Yes, that's a reason, but not the only one. If everyone likes it this much it'll have to stay. Or they'll all hate me again

DashingHook-I didn't know they stopped



YourMajesty-Don't laugh!

DashingHook-I made you laugh didn't I?

EmmaSavior-It was pretty funny



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DashingHook-She always leaves

SpinningGold-Yah, because she's sick of you

DashingHook-What if I'm sick of you?

SleepingBeauty-Remember that time they agreed on something?

EmmaSavior-That's a rare thing. So rare no one's ever seen it done before



MagicBeliever-Mom, can I go to the movies tonight?

EmmaSavior-Who with?

MagicBeliever-David, Mary Margaret, if you or Regina want to come. Really whoever wants to come

EmmaSavior-Yah sure I'll come

YourMajesty-I'll come

EmmaSavior-You're back?

YourMajesty-I never leave😏


Warrior-What's a movie?

EmmaSavior-Yah, I don't know how to explain what a movie is

MagicBeliever-Come. You'll like it

Warrior-Ok, I will

Gracie-Can I come?


BookLove-What movie?



MagicBeliever-You're into that stuff?

Gracie-Of course! I'm just a quiet person...


EmmaSavior-I better not see you two doing anything...


YourMajesty-Henry, sit in your own seat. Next to me...and Emma...

EmmaSavior-Yes, Henry. Next to me. And Regina

DashingHook-Did the Queen and the savior just agree on something?

SleepingBeauty-It's a miracle!

MagicBeliever-I'll be fine! What do you think we're going to do?

EmmaSavior-I don't know that's why I want you with me


YourMajesty-....No. But behave yourself!

MagicBeliever-I will! Now is that all who's coming?

EmmaSavior-I think so

CharmingPrince-Wait, what time?

MagicBeliever-It starts at 7:30

DashingHook-Why can't we see my movie?

EmmaSavior-We can watch that at my place after the theater

DashingHook-Alright, love. Looking forward to it😘


Warrior-Neal said I have a movie, too

EmmaSavior-We can watch that one day too


MagicBeliever-Well I'm going to get ready


YourMajesty-It's 4 o' clock!


EmmaSavior-Why are you getting ready so early?

MagicBeliever-Because I want to

YourMajesty-This isn't like you Henry!


MagicBeliever has left the chat



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