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MagicBeliever has started an open chat

MagicBeliever-GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!!

DashingHook-Your birthday?

EmmaSavior-Hump day?

MagicBeliever-Seriously?😒 It's not even Wednesday, mom

YourMajesty-For crying out loud it's Halloween!

EmmaSavior-Ohhh right!

DashingHook-What's Halloween?

MagicBeliever-Are you kidding me?

YourMajesty-How long have you been in this world? Don't you know what Halloween is?

DashingHook-Um no.

EmmaSavior-Halloween is a holiday on October 31st, and everyone dresses up and goes to people's houses, knock on the door and say "trick or treat" and get candy

DashingHook-Who made up this insane holiday? Why would you go to a stranger's home and ask for candy? It could be bloody poison!

YourMajesty-It's not poison

DashingHook-Do you know that for a fact?


DashingHook-No you don't! A kid could open the door and behind it is a psychopath ready to kill! Like your bloody sister!

WickedGreen-Why thank you dear, I appreciate the compliment :)

YourMajesty-Oh great

WickedGreen-You know, maybe you should let me out for Halloween! I could dress up and give out candy

YourMajesty-Yes, because sending a wicked with out into a dark street with innocent children running around is a good idea

WickedGreen-Exactly! Now who should I dress up as?

YourMajesty-I wasn't being serious!


HoodThief-How about a black cat?

WickedGreen-Ooh, I like it!

YourMajesty-Robin, don't help her!


YourMajesty-Besides. Zelena's already got a costume on.

WickedGreen-I do? Please share I didn't realize I was already dressed up for the occasion

YourMajesty-It's that ugly mask you call a face




WickedGreen has left the chat

YourMajesty-That's how it's done

MagicBeliever-Sooo what's everyone dressing up as?

EmmaSavior-A zombie

FairestSnow-A vampire


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