Snow Day

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EmmaSavior has started an open chat

EmmaSavior-Guys look out the window!


EmmaSavior-Do it!


MagicBeliever-Hey, it's snowing!!

KingofNeverland-Ah, snow

KingofNeverland-Never did get any of it on Neverland did I

KingofNeverland-I never did see any snow in my life on Neverland...or as Malcolm. Gr8

KingofNeverland-How sad

KingofNeverland-And I can't see it in my afterlife either because it's bloody eight thousand degrees down here!!

YourMajesty-Since when did you start to use texting language? Gr8?

KingofNeverland-Excuse me I'm a teenager! All teens use texting language!

SpinningGold-You're not a teenager. You're hundreds of years old

KingofNeverland-You're hundreds of years old

DashingHook-And the thing is it's not an insult. It's true!😂

MagicBeliever-Who wants to build a snowman?

PrincessAnna-Ooh, me!

IceQueen-I'll make you one, Anna. It's not snowing here in Arendelle


KingofNeverland-Who are you?

PrincessAnna-I am Princess Anna of Arendelle. Who are you?

IceQueen-I'm Elsa, her sister. Queen of Arendelle. I have ice powers

KingofNeverland-Oh, that's grand! Do you mind killing yourself so that we can have some snow down here? I'm dying of heat. Lol! Dying!😂😂

KingofNeverland-Oh, I'm Peter Pan by the way. The coolest, baddest, smartest, and handsomest being ever to live. And die!

PrincessAnna-I'm sorry, why are you talking about death so much? Not to sound rude or anything I'm just wondering

SpinningGold-He's dead in the Underworld

PrincessAnna-Oh no! I'm sorry for your loss! Well I mean, you didn't lose anyone just your life. Not that it's a bad thing just sad. Well I guess it is a bad thing but I don't mean to insult you in any way. Is that insulting? I don't know

KingofNeverland-Oh it's quite alright

SpinningGold-Don't feel bad. He's absolutely awful. Feel lucky you haven't crossed paths with him

IceQueen-Um, if you're dead how exactly are you communicating with us? Are there phones in the Underworld?

KingofNeverland-Well if you must know Graham hacked the system. Don't ask me how.

IceQueen-Who's Graham?

HuntsmanSheriff-Me. I was Storybrooke's sheriff a while ago. Before I died

IceQueen-Oh. Hello!


KingofNeverland-Graham, have you ever seen snow?

HuntsmanSheriff-Yeah, of course

KingofNeverland-Someone ship me some snow!

EmmaSavior-I don't think the Underworld has a mailing system

KingofNeverland-😒 Sometimes I wish I was alive again

DashingHook-So um, I was outside building a snowman with Henry and he dropped his phone in the snow. It was wet snow. And it's kind of not working right


YourMajesty-I told him not to bring his phone outside!

DashingHook-He can't text you his phone is broken

EmmaSavior-Yes, I'm aware of that

IceQueen-Put it in a cup of rice

KingofNeverland-What in the bloody underworld is rice?

SpinningGold-Don't even explain it

KingofNeverland-I'm curious! I've never had rice

DashingHook-Ok he just put his phone in the rice. How long do we wait?

IceQueen-Three days

DashingHook-He just said he can't wait three days. He says he needs it or he might die

FairestSnow-Well if it makes him feel any better we don't have phones in the Enchanted Forest. I grew up without one

DashingHook-It only makes him feel 5% better

FairestSnow-That's something!

EmmaSavior-Wait, Regina, you have magic. Get the water out

YourMajesty-Oh yeah. Hold on

YourMajesty-Did it

MagicBeliever-Thank you!!

YourMajesty-You're welcome. Now don't do it again

MagicBeliever-Ok, I won't

DashingHook-I'm going to make some snow angels! Ooh, who wants to have a snowball fight with me?!

EmmaSavior-I will :)

MagicBeliever-Me too

DashingHook-Let's gooo!!

DashingHook, EmmaSavior, and MagicBeliever have left the chat

KingofNeverland-I still haven't seen snow and don't know what rice is


A/N- Ok, I finally updated! Phew! How are you guys? What's your favorite episode of OUAT? How many pets do you have? What's your favorite food? I feel bad for not updating in so long. But I haven't forgotten! And hey, OUAT has been renewed for season 6!!! I'm so so so happy YES! OUAT is my life!! Anyway, that's that and I'll update soon, I promise! See ya😘💗

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