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EmmaSavior has started an open chat

EmmaSavior-Guys I'm borrreeddd😩

YourMajesty-What do you want me to do about it?

EmmaSavior-I don't know...make me unbored?

YourMajesty-How do I do that?

EmmaSavior-I don't know...magic?

YourMajesty-Magic can do a lot of things but it can't cure boredom

EmmaSavior-Darn it

DashingHook-I'm bored too, love!

CharmingPrince-Me too

FairestSnow-Me too

HuntsmanSheriff-Me too

TheRealBae-And me

HeartofHearts-And me

WickedGreen-Me too!

YourMajesty-What are we making, a club?

CharmingPrince-We should!


YourMajesty-Because that's going to cure your boredom. You'll all just be a bunch of nit wits sitting in a circle, repeating that you're all bored

DashingHook-Will not

YourMajesty-Will too

DashingHook-Will not!

YourMajesty-Will too!

DashingHook-Will not!!!

YourMajesty-Great now I'm arguing with a whiny pirate

DashingHook-I know I've got to stop being so whiny :(

EmmaSavior-Ooh, ooh, I know! We could be a club that helps each other with our problems!

HuntsmanSheriff-Good idea!

HeartofHearts-I'll have to skip this one. I don't help people. I'm more of a "destroy their happy ending then force them to marry an old guy" type person.

YourMajesty-Mother! Don't you dare joke about that! Just because you're dead doesn't mean I can't find a way to torture you

HeartofHearts-Can you believe this! Being threatened by my own daughter!

WickedGreen-I won't threaten you mommy!

HeartofHearts-Here we are, Regina. A daughter I can rely on, and trust.

WickedGreen-🤗😜🤗 If only there was a hair flip emoji

YourMajesty-Why don't you just go die and join her, Zelena?

WickedGreen-Because then I won't be around to torture you, and I find that so much more delicious than being dead with only one person where I would get bored out of my mind

HeartofHearts-Gee, thanks loyal daughter

WickedGreen-Come on mom! You know I don't hate you

HeartofHearts-Oh, and I don't hate you either😊

DashingHook-Is this their way of saying I love you? Because if it is, it's not effective

HeartofHearts-Hush pirate

DashingHook-You should hush, Cora

CharmingPrince-About that club

EmmaSavior-Oh yeah! You know, if we're going to have a club it needs a name

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