Question Time

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EmmaSavior has started an open chat

EmmaSavior-Dresses or skirts?

BookLove-Ooh, that's tough. Skirts, maybe?

YourMajesty-Dresses. Why are you asking?

EmmaSavior-I don't know. I felt like it? I haven't done anything all day.

YourMajesty-Whatever floats your boat


DashingHook-This is so difficult but I think I'd have to go with dresses. They're just so much more fashionable👗👠

YourMajesty-Isn't he a guy?

EmmaSavior-Hook, you've never worn a dress

DashingHook-You don't know that

YourMajesty-Well this is awkward

EmmaSavior-I hope you're being sarcastic

DashingHook-The first one yes

EmmaSavior-And the second one?

DashingHook has left the chat

YourMajesty-Guess that answers that question

FairestSnow-Boys can be weird sometimes

CharmingPrince-I'm not weird though



FairestSnow-Well remember the time when you ate your soup with a fork?

CharmingPrince-It was only once!

FairestSnow-It was for a whole week. Then you stopped because you complained about how the "pointy parts stabbed your tongue"

CharmingPrince-Well, they did!

FairestSnow-What am I gonna do with you?

CharmingPrince-😊 :-)

EmmaSavior-Movies or books?


YourMajesty-No duh

BookLove-Stop bullying me, Regina

YourMajesty-I'm not bullying you! I'm just saying it's obvious. You're the librarian

BookLove-But you don't have to be rude about it

SpinningGold-Quit making my wife upset

YourMajesty-Or what? You'll use that straw you constantly turn into gold as a sword?

SpinningGold-I can do so much worse

BookLove-Ok, Rumple it's fine. It was just one minor thing

YourMajesty-If you answer this question I won't be rude to your precious little Belle for the rest of the week

SpinningGold-But it's Friday

YourMajesty-I know a full 24 hours is gonna kill me

SpinningGold-If you insist. But I have no preference. A book is a movie put into words and a movie is like watching those words come to life in images

BookLove-Very clever

YourMajesty-Yeah but which one do you like better?

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