Dead Characters Assemble!

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HeartofHearts has started a private chat with HuntsmanSheriff, KingofNeverland, LostBoy, TheRealBae, CruellaDarling, and QueenIngrid

HeartofHearts-Welcome back, loyal subjects. Are you all enjoying the dead?

TheRealBae-Loyal subjects?

HuntsmanSheriff-Why would you ask if we were enjoying the dead?

HeartofHearts-I care about you all

KingofNeverland-Yah, the same amount I care about you. Negative 1 million

CruellaDarling-Why so harsh, darling?

KingofNeverland-I had a hard life. And now afterlife it seems

CruellaDarling-Care to talk about it?

KingofNeverland-I don't need a therapist if that's what you're implying. Who are you anyway?

CruellaDarling-I am the one and only Cruella de Ville. The baddest villain in town, darling. Who might you be?

KingofNeverland-Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm the one and only Peter. Peter Pan. The baddest villain in the world, actually

CruellaDarling-Keep believing that, Pan. I'm the worst around. I killed just for the fun of it. I'm sure you couldn't say the same?

HeartofHearts-Alright, alright take it easy I didn't call us all together to argue. I have something else in mind

LostBoy-What, coming back from the dead? Because I don't think that's gonna happen

QueenIngrid-And I'm no longer a villain if you're planning something evil

TheRealBae-And I never was a villain

HeartofHearts-I included you two because I wanted us all to unite again. Dead Storybrooke citizens uniting!

TheRealBae-Sure thing, Cora...

HeartofHearts-I understand if you don't like or trust me. I've done some terrible things in my time

TheRealBae-Ha! Some

HeartofHearts-Fine, many

HuntsmanSheriff-So, why are you calling us all together again?

HeartofHearts-I want to get to know you all! It's very lonely here if you haven't noticed yet, and I would like to be around you :)

KingofNeverland-The terrifying Cora wanting to be friendly with everyone. What caused this drastic personality change?

HeartofHearts-I got my heart back. That's what happened

KingofNeverland-Ugh. Love

LostBoy-Ugh. Hearts

KingofNeverland-I crushed your heart because I cared, Felix!

LostBoy-I don't want to hear it! You killed your only friend, the only one loyal to you on a curse that didn't even work. I can't believe you, Peter😠

KingofNeverland-Well it doesn't matter now, does it? You're dead! I'm dead!

TheRealBae-I hate to be rude but can you two just shut up?

CruellaDarling-Yes it's quite annoying

KingofNeverland-Well I don't live to make sure you're happy, do I?

CruellaDarling-I'm pretty positive you just accepted the fact that you were dead, elf


TheRealBae-Can we all just rest in peace here?!

QueenIngrid-Hah. Death puns

TheRealBae-Oh my god

HuntsmanSheriff-So, who wants to hack into the livings' texting accounts?

CruellaDarling-Ooh, sounds fun!!

TheRealBae-First Cora turns good and now Graham goes all evil-like. What next?

HuntsmanSheriff-It's not really evil. Just sneaky. And a nice surprise for Emma. I would like to talk to her again

TheRealBae-Hold on. You know Emma? How?

HuntsmanSheriff-We...used to be a couple in Storybrooke. Not really official but it would have been if Regina hadn't crushed my heart right after I kissed her.

TheRealBae-You kissed her?!! She was my girlfriend!

HuntsmanSheriff-What? I'm sorry I don't know

KingofNeverland-Oooh, grandson's getting jealous...😂😏

TheRealBae-Can you ever keep your mouth shut?

KingofNeverland-I'm sorry I don't understand the question

TheRealBae-I'm so done with you dead people

KingofNeverland-You're so done with yourself?

TheRealBae has left the chat

KingofNeverland-Peter Pan never fails

HeartofHearts-Now even I'm getting sick of you

KingofNeverland-Sorry, Cora but you're going to have to deal with me...for the rest of eternity...😏

HeartofHearts-Kill me now

KingofNeverland-I think we already established the fact that we were all already dead

HeartofHearts has left the chat

KingofNeverland-It's a wonderful life

QueenIngrid-How forgetful are you? We've been saying we were dead for the past 5 minutes! And I recall you saying you had a hard life

KingofNeverland-...It's just an expression!😥

KingofNeverland has left the chat

QueenIngrid-Oh, death is fun👌

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