Unfinished Business

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A/N-This chapter is dedicated to @agonzalez09 because it was requested by her :)
TheRealBae has started an open chat

TheRealBae-Hi guys :)

EmmaSavior-Neal! Hi! How are you doing?

TheRealBae-I'm good. I'm happy.

MagicBeliever-Hi dad!

TheRealBae-Hi, Henry! How's my son doing?

MagicBeliever-I'm doing good

TheRealBae-How's school going?

MagicBeliever-Ok I guess. I could use a break😂

TheRealBae-I'm sure😂


TheRealBae-Hi, papa

SpinningGold-You're not in the underworld. I heard from Emma you're in a better place. She told me she had a vision of you.

TheRealBae-Yeah. I'm in a better place. I'm happy here. You don't need to worry about me.

SpinningGold-I love you Bae. I love you so much.

TheRealBae-I love you too, papa. Oh, is Regina here?


TheRealBae-There's someone here who would like to speak to you.

YourMajesty-What? Who?

TheRealBae-Daniel. He's logging in right now.


StableBoy-Hello Regina :)


StableBoy-How are you? I miss you. I love you

YourMajesty-I love you too, and I miss you so much. I'm so so happy you're in a better place. And I'm doing fine

StableBoy-I'm glad. I'm happy here too. You don't have to worry about me.

YourMajesty-I saw your grave in the underworld. It was tipped, so I knew you were ok.

StableBoy-Wait, you're in the underworld?

YourMajesty-Don't worry, I'm alive. It's a long story but we're down here to rescue someone. Do you mind if I ask you a question?


YourMajesty-What was your unfinished business?

StableBoy-It was you

YourMajesty-How was it me?

StableBoy-I wanted you to find love again. And you did. The only thing that matters is that you're happy, and I wanted you to find happiness with someone else.

YourMajesty-I miss you, Daniel. You will always be in my heart. You have always been in it. I'm just so relieved you're okay.

StableBoy-And I'm so proud of you for finding love again. I have to leave now, but always know that I love you.

YourMajesty-I love you too, Daniel. I always will

StableBoy has left the chat

YourMajesty-Thank you, Neal for letting him talk to me

TheRealBae-No problem at all. I would have Graham come say hi but he's not around at the moment.

EmmaSavior-Graham is there?

TheRealBae-Yeah, he is. He's in a better place too

EmmaSavior-When you see him, can you tell him I said hi? And that I'll always remember him?

TheRealBae-Of course. I miss you, Emma. And I love you. You mean so much to me and I'm just so happy you and Henry are living the best lives you can. I'll be with you always. If you ever need me, I'll be here and in your hearts.

MagicBeliever-I love you, dad. I really wish you were still here.

TheRealBae-I love you too, Henry. And I'm always with you. Just know that

MagicBeliever-Ok, I will

TheRealBae-I love you too, papa. I know you can choose to do the right thing now. So do it.

SpinningGold-I love you Bae. And I'll try my best. I promise.

TheRealBae-Goodbye everyone. I'll see you all soon

SaviorEmma-Bye, Neal!

MagicBeliever-Bye, dad!

TheRealBae has left the chat

SpinningGold-Goodbye, son

SaviorEmma-Regina? How are you?

YourMajesty-I'm ok. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to talk to Daniel again.

FairestSnow-Is anyone else sobbing that was so emotional!!😭😭

EmmaSavior-I'm just glad we got to say goodbye one last time. For some reason I feel like it really was the last

YourMajesty-It seems like it's difficult for the dead to communicate with the living

EmmaSavior-Yeah, it does 

MagicBeliever-It really shows they love us.

EmmaSavior-Yeah, it does kid. It does

A/N-What are you talking about I didn't cry while writing this whhaaaaaatt???

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