Texting Sleepover

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DashingHook has started a private chat with EmmaSavior, YourMajesty, HoodThief, CharmingPrince, FairestSnow, SpinningGold and WickedGreen

DashingHook-CURRENT TIME: 10:44PM

EmmaSavior-You don't have to do that

DashingHook-But it's fun

YourMajesty-So, Hook. It was your idea to have a sleepover over text. What exactly do you plan on having us do?

DashingHook-I don't know, I thought we'd just roll with it. Play some games, talk, you know

YourMajesty-So I'm gonna get no sleep just to hear, or see, a few random questions and pointless answers?

DashingHook-Come on, they're fun! We don't have enough time to bond because we're almost constantly chasing villains and ending up in different realms.

YourMajesty-Alright, fine. Even though tonight is calm, if an evil demon finds it's way into Storybrooke tomorrow morning and I'm too exhausted to fight it, it's your fault.


SpinningGold-That's my thing


SpinningGold-The thing with texting is that I don't know if you're being sarcastic or are genuine with that statement

DashingHook-Little bit of both

WickedGreen-Isn't this going to be an interesting night

HoodThief-So, what are we doing first?

DashingHook-Truth or Dare!

YourMajesty-Uh oh


YourMajesty-Nothing at all

DashingHook-Emma! Truth or dare?

EmmaSavior-Oh no...um truth

DashingHook-On a scale from 1 to rum how much do you love me?

SpinningGold-Can I leave now?


EmmaSavior-Do you really need to ask me this? You know my answer is off the scale❤️

DashingHook-Mine is too❤️

WickedGreen-Ok Emma just ask someone else because if this is going to go on all night I'm leaving NOW

EmmaSavior-Ok, ok. Regina, truth or dare?


EmmaSavior-I dare you to make us lasagna and bring it to us tomorrow at Granny's

YourMajesty-Excuse me?

EmmaSavior-What? I'm in the mood for lasagna

YourMajesty-Ok. That's easy enough

YourMajesty-Robin, truth or dare

HoodThief-I think I'll say dare

YourMajesty-I dare you to run outside and sing really loud

HoodThief-Um, sing what?

YourMajesty-Whatever you want

HoodThief-Ok. Regina is my witness since we're in the same house

YourMajesty-He's doing it!

FairestSnow-What's he singing?

YourMajesty-That gummy bear song!😂

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