Karaoke Night

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A/N-This chapter was requested and it will not be in the usual texting format, but I will resume that after. This goes along with the last part "Song Lyrics." I also recommend that you listen to the songs they're singing because I think you'll like them ;) Just a heads up this is a really long chapter so make sure you have the time to read it😂 Enjoy!

Night was beginning to fall in Storybrooke and some of the town had organized a karaoke night at the famous Granny's Diner which was set to start at 8:00pm. Granny and Ruby were double checking the speakers and microphones that they had rented for the event, and the chefs in the kitchen were preparing food for the audience to munch on while they watched the performances. Once everything was ready it was just about 7:15 so the chefs took a break, Ruby sat down in a booth, and Granny grabbed her earplugs.

As 8:00 rolled around Granny's gradually became more crowded. All of the tables were cleared out so that only the booths remained. There were rows of folding chairs stretching nearly to the back wall, and a small brown stage was placed near the door where a large table once was. Well, it wasn't really a stage more like an oval shaped 2 foot high slab of plastic that was in the back room for some unknown reason. Because the diner was so narrow, only three chairs could fit in a row.

Emma, Hook, and Henry came first. They claimed the three seats in the front row. Before Henry sat down, he made sure he got his earplugs from granny.

Regina and Robin came in just a few moments later with Roland. He was so excited to hear his papa sing that he couldn't stop smiling and jumping up and down. Regina laughed at his cuteness, and then Roland went on to be excited about her.

The Charmings came next, but baby Neal was left home with Belle. She was self-conscious about singing in front of everybody and therefore didn't want to go, even to just watch. Besides, she loves babies.  :) David made sure to sit far away from Hook in the fourth row with Mary Margaret. He was still upset with his wife for taking his phone and saying yes to Hook for him. How could he not be? But he would do it. Although David wouldn't admit it, he was kind of nervous, but he tried to tell himself it was just a silly little thing that wouldn't matter, even if he was singing with his daughter's boyfriend who he could easily say wasn't his favorite person in the world.

Leroy, Cinderella and Aurora were next to arrive. They sat more to the back of the diner, but Leroy stole a seat in the third row since Regina, Robin, and Roland were in the second. He had quite a show to put on with some of the dwarfs and he was sure everyone would like it..or at least think something of it that wasn't negative.

Smee was the last to arrive. He sat in the row in front of Zelena without realizing it, but he felt like he was being watched so he looked back to see her eyes boring into him. Startled and uneasy, he swiftly moved up to the next row to escape her evil glare.

A couple more townsfolk showed up filling in the empty booths and bar stools, and then the karaoke night commenced.

At 7:55, Granny began to welcome everyone (though she had already put her earplugs in so she was talking a bit too loudly and Ruby had to take them out) to the karaoke night.


"Granny! You're earplugs are in!"

Granny was only somewhat aware that Ruby had spoken to her and she had to look over twice before she said, "What? Did you say something, Ruby?"

Ruby just shook her head and pulled out her earplugs. Granny's face went slightly pink.

"Oh, I knew that. Just, you know, talked loud for effect...Anyway, thank you for coming out to see this-ah-production, and we have many-great-singers tonight," she said straining the word 'great' and giving a forced smile.

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