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FairestSnow has started an open chat

FairestSnow-Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

CharmingPrince-I thought we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving

FairestSnow-I thought we should!

CharmingPrince-But why? We have so much family we'll have to eat in two separate places over FaceTime!

FairestSnow-We'll make it work

CharmingPrince-Besides, do we even have any food? Doesn't it take like, days to make food for Thanksgiving?

FairestSnow-Yes. That's why I started yesterday

CharmingPrince-Why didn't I see you making food?

FairestSnow-You were out shopping for leather jackets with Killian

CharmingPrince-You know you didn't have to say why I was out

DashingHook-We found some great ones, didn't we lad?😉

CharmingPrince-Yup. Really great

EmmaSavior-I always wondered where you got your jackets, Hook

DashingHook- :)

YourMajesty-So we're celebrating Thanksgiving? What a dinner this will be

DashingHook-And dessert😋

YourMajesty-Who can forget dessert?

YourMajesty-Seriously, where are we eating?

FairestSnow-I was thinking Granny's. We can push tables together to make one long one

CharmingPrince-Alright. Might as well. You've already cooked food.

FairestSnow-Yes I have. The turkey is just finishing up in the oven right now.


MagicBeliever-Did I hear that we're having Thanksgiving?

EmmaSavior-Yes you did!

MagicBeliever-Cool :)

WickedGreen-Ooh, Thanksgiving! Want to know what I'm thankful for?

YourMajesty-Saying no won't do anything

WickedGreen-I'm thankful for being able to torture you!

YourMajesty-What a great thing to be thankful for. You really don't do much to me anymore though. I ignore you


SpinningGold-You all annoy me

WickedGreen-I annoy you the most though, right?👌🏻

SpinningGold-Sure, Zelena



MagicBeliever has left the chat

EmmaSavior-I'm going to take a nap

DashingHook-Why? It's not even noon yet

EmmaSavior-To get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner. There's gonna be lots of food😜

DashingHook-Can I nap too?

CharmingPrince-I'm hoping in separate rooms. In separate buildings. In separate towns

EmmaSavior-Um we only have one option for a town

CharmingPrince-Far away

EmmaSavior-I'm a grown woman now. I can take care of myself

DashingHook-You can trust me. I'm a good guy😊


EmmaSavior-Thanks dad. See you in a few hours!

DashingHook-Bye! See you in a few hours. Can't wait!

EmmaSavior and DashingHook have left the chat

CharmingPrince-I have no control

WickedGreen-Sorry. Can I torture you? It seems like no one wants me to torture them anymore😞

CharmingPrince-Uh no thanks.


WickedGreen has left the chat

YourMajesty-Ah, peace

SpinningGold-You said it

FairestSnow-Regina, do you mind making your lasagna? And apple turnover for dessert? Just, don't poison it

YourMajesty-Don't worry. I have no intention to do that

FairestSnow-Alright great! This is going to be so fun! Everyone all together under one roof, eating and bonding!

YourMajesty-This can be really good, or really bad

FairestSnow-Preferably really good


CharmingPrince-Well I'm going to go eat something

FairestSnow-But we're going to have a huge dinner tonight!

CharmingPrince-I just said something! Just a little something to eat. Besides, it's early

FairestSnow-Fine. But stay away from the Thanksgiving food! It's all wrapped and ready on the counter.

CharmingPrince-Ok ok don't worry

CharmingPrince has left the chat


FairestSnow-Why do I hear foil? David, are you eating my stuffing? David!!

YourMajesty-You might want to go stop him

FairestSnow-David, my stuffing!

CharmingPrince-Sorry :( It was only a corner

FairestSnow-That's ok. I'll just smooth it down

YourMajesty-It's only a bit of stuffing. It's not a huge deal. It's still edible.

SpinningGold-Why are we making such a big fuss about this? Just let it go

FairestSnow-Right I know. Well, see you all tonight! 3:00pm at Granny's!

YourMajesty-Got it


FairestSnow and YourMajesty have left the chat

CharmingPrince has left the chat

SpinningGold-Turkey. I've always wanted to try that😋

SpinningGold has left the chat

A/N-Happy Thanksgiving all! I hope you have/had a great meal, and have many things to be thankful for. Have a great holiday!❤️💕😘

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