Chapter 3

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"A good friend and a glass of wine, Someone to say it's gonna be alright. A good friend and a glass of wine. A little pick me up to get me through the night, we talk trash and we laugh and cry; that kind of therapy money can't buy. Every now and then, every girl needs a good friend and a glass of wine." -LeAnn Rimes

Mati woke up on an unfamiliar couch, hearing the laughter of a little girl somewhere. She found her phone under her head and checked the time. 10:30am. She laid on the couch for a minute and slowly rolled off the couch. She was in a family room of some sorts and when she saw the pictures on the wall, she knew she was at the Sharps' house. She smelled something being cooked and followed her nose. As she walked into the kitchen, she couldn't help but smile. Abby was cooking and laughing as Patrick read their daughter a story about a princess, voices and all.

"Good morning y'all" Mati drawled.

"Morning sweetie!" Abby said, awfully enthusiastically

"How was the couch?" Patrick stopped reading "I tried to get you into a bed but you absolutely refused, claiming you were going to be up and gone so early in the morning, we wouldn't even know you were here". He laughed

Mati and Abby giggled

"Look how well that went" she replied.

Abby offered her a plate with an omelet on it and Mati hungrily took it.

"This is so good Abby. Thank you."

"You are so welcome. I was starving." Abby replied.

"Must have been all that booty shaking last night" Patrick smirked.

"Oh my gosh I don't even want to know". Mati said.

"You two were quite the pair last night."

Abby and Mati shared a grin.

After breakfast was ate, and dishes were done, Abby offered to drive Mati to her car. They chatted about everything on the way there.

"Thanks for the ride!" Mati said as she got out.

She walked up to her apartment and found Tess sprawled out on the floor of the living room watching tv. As soon as she noticed Mati, the questions began.

"Sooo where did you sleep last night? I saw your snap story. Looks like a fun time...who'd ya go home with?!" She interrogated. Tess was a Hawks fan, so any piece of information she could get from Mati was gold.

"I slept at the Sharp's house, did NOT go home with any other Hawk, and what snap story?" She replied.

" in....Sharpie? As in...Patrick Sharp?" Tess asked, star struck.

"The one and only." Mati replied as she pulled her phone out to check Snapchat.

Tess was jealous of Mati's internship. She was in her last semester of elementary education, so it never was really on the table, but still. The Hawks were wasted on Mati...the girl who had to make Tess explain every element of the game when she moved her, a month ago. She would never use Mati to meet them or get signed items, but it wouldn't hurt if one of them showed up on their doorstep.

Mati swiped to see her story. It was hard to see because of how dark it was but it was evidently her, and who appeared to be Kane,  and Duncan Keith taking tequila shots together, then falling into a fit of giggles together.

She hadn't drank like that in a long time. She really didn't get hungover but she didn't feel 100% either. Tess had to get ready to go to her bartending job downtown, so Mati decided to go for a run in the complex's gym in the basement. She didn't love running, but she loved the clarity she always felt afterwards. With her shorts, tank top, and shoes on, she headed for the treadmill.

She ran for 40 minutes when her thoughts were interrupted by a FaceTime request. It was from her best friend, Taylor. She accepted it and Taylor and their other best friend, Tyra's, faces appeared on the screen.

"Mati!" They screamed

"Hi babes!" She smiled back

"We were just getting ready to go for a ride and wanted to say that we miss the shit outta you. When are you coming home next?!"

"Awh...I wish I was there". She pouted. "I'm not sure...probably not until the end of the season. My longest stretch off I'm spending in Nashville, recording, and I had to practically sell organs to get that off".

They both made sad faces.

"Maybe we'll just have to come up there then. Meet some cute hockey players..."

Mati snickered "y'all would die. It's so cold here. Plus the cutest ones are taken."

"Not at all of them! We were doing our research, thank you google, and they aren't all taken baby cakes." They replied

"Well whatever. Y'all are always welcome though!"

"We'll plan something soon then!" They exclaimed. "But the horses are getting impatient, so we gotta go. Love you!" They chimed.

"Love y'all too" Mati answered.

As she hung up, she felt a pang of homesickness. She missed her friends, her horse, and her family like crazy. She should call her mom later, she thought.

A/N: this isn't my favorite chapter, more of a filler, and a little more insight into Mati.  There will be more Jon and Mati in the next few chapters :) and let me know what you think so far

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