Chapter 18

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to JimmyJam96 and also the first chapter her character is in here...a little Jamie/Kaner love story! Check out her Tazer story as well, Somebody to You (and her other stories as well)! :)

Mati was in her kitchen, making dinner for herself and Jon, and singing and dancing along to her 90's country playlist on her Spotify. It was an ordinary no game for the Hawks night for the two of them.

"Read about you in a Faulkner novel,

Met you once in a Williams' play.

Heard about you in a country love song,

Summer night beauty took my breath away"

Jon heard Mati singing along to one of her favorite songs as he let himself into her apartment. Much to Tess's pleasure and dismay, Mati had given Jon a key to their apartment. After the first time he had walked in as she was walking to her room in just a towel, it had been more pleasure knowing the Blackhawk's captain had a key to her home.

He set his overnight bag down and snuck into the kitchen. She was still belting the words as he grabbed her waist.

"Gah!" she screamed as she turned around to kiss him.

"It smells amazing." He murmured into her hair.

"It's almost done, so go wash up and I'll set the table. I made tea." she replied.

Never mind that the two of them were sitting at a kitchen table from Ikea, eating off plastic plates from Target; Mati was raised with her southern belle grandmother's standards and always kept that in the back of her mind, especially with company.

As they sat down and Mati dished them both up some of the baked chicken, Jon felt nervous at what he was supposed to ask her tonight. He took a big gulp of the sweet tea she had set in front of him. It was definitely not in his diet plan, but he'd run an extra marathon for that stuff.

"So babe..." he started as they both dug in.

"Yeah baby?" she asked.

"Yaknow the playoffs are starting next week, right?"

She chuckled. "How could I forget cap?"

He nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders knowingly. Between what her and Tammy were dealing with and his superstitions in full swing, she had more than her fair share of playoffs surrounding her.

"Well uh my parents will be down for our first home game and they'd um really like to meet you..." he trailed off.

Mati almost choked on her food as she stared at him with big eyes.


It was his turn to laugh. "No my other girlfriend...duh, you.."

He grabbed her hand. "Please?"

She sighed. "Of course I will. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. My mom already loves you."

They ate the rest of their dinner and curled up on the couch to watch a movie.

Out of nowhere, Jon exclaimed "oh!"

Mati side eyed him. "What?"

Jon waved his hands excitedly. "I have gossip!" He popped the p as he sang it in a high pitched voice.

Mati laughed "Are ya gonna spill it, gossip girl?!"

"Soooo Kaner has his eyes on a girl. And I think that girl has eyes for him too but neither of them admits it."

"Like...actually likes a girl? Like not just take her home?" Mati asked, astounded.

Jon nodded his head feverishly.

"I need you to help me though..." He said. "You would like the girl. She's funny and smart and she's one of the kindest people I've met. But I need you to show her Kaner likes her. And I'll work on Kaner." He said slyly.

"This feels like the Parent Trap or somethin'. Who's the girl anyway? Can't really befriend someone I don't know." She pointed out.

"Jamie. Our head trainer. I dunno if you've met her but you really would like her I think."

Mati shrugged. "I'm all for meeting new people in Chi town."

"Chi town? Golly gee it's like you're a local." He teased.

She playfully slapped his bicep as they both turned their attention back to the TV.

Jon fell asleep quickly. Stress of impending playoffs was exhausting him. Mati shut the tv off and cuddled into his side, lying in the dark listening to his even breathing. She loved him and she knew it but she was scared to say it yet. It had only been two months. Who knew if he felt it and she didn't want her heart broken.

Instead of overthinking it, she did what she did best and reached for the notebook and purple pen lying on the table that Jon was using as a footrest, and she wrote. There was nothing more a songwriter loved more than a good flood of emotions. It was prime writing weather.

She hammered out lyrics. She would finish the music tomorrow, she thought as she cuddled back into Jon's warm self.   

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