Chapter 12

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Mati woke up the next morning to Tess two inches from her face.

"Good morning sunshine!" Tess said a little too eagerly as Mati blinked her eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mati grumbled.

"Uhhh don't even act like you DIDN'T just get home a few hours ago from your date with Chicago's hottest, most eligible bachelor!"

Few hours ago?

Mati looked at the clock next to her bed. 6:32am.

"Tess, look, it was great, but I don't have to be up for another 45 minutes, I'm going back to bed."

"Because you were out late with Tazer". She said as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"It wasn't like that! We didn't even kiss!"

"You didn't kiss Captain sexy?!"

"Stooooooop. No, we didn't, because he was a gentleman and walked me to the door, kissed my forehead and we split ways."

Tess fake pouted.

"But that probably means there will be a second date, right? I mean if he didn't try to hit it last night, he wants more." She reasoned.

"Well I hope so! Now good night." Mati shooed Tess away.

Mati laid in bed, wide awake until her alarm went off.

She trudged out of bed and got ready to go to work. As she was just finishing up her breakfast, her phone chimed with a text from Jon.

Good morning beautiful. Last night was honestly one of the best nights I have had in a long time. I'll come by and bug you after practice :)

She couldn't contain her smile.

I have to agree. I'll be looking forward to it:)

When she reached her office, Tammy had left a note on the door: meet me in the seats!

She smiled knowing that meant she would get to watch practice and see Jon.

She jogged to their usual seats and plopped down next to Tammy.

"What are you in such a hurry for?" Tammy questioned.

Shoot. She couldn't tell Tammy the real reason she was so excited. Not that there was ever an official rule about interns not dating players but she didn't want to push it either.

"Uhh nothing, just thought I was running late today."

Tammy chuckled.

"You're doing just fine. The boys are just getting here themselves." She said as she gestured to the ice, where most of the Hawks were skating around.

Mati looked for number 19. She found him and instantly smiled when they locked eyes. Jon waved at her and skated on.

As the boys started their drills, Mati and Tammy went over the usual stuff-media and appearance requests, road trip schedules. But Mati found it hard to concentrate when Captain Sexy, as he had been dubbed, was being exactly that. It didn't help that he kept glancing at her and making her smile.

She must have really lost focus because she heard Tammy say something and then felt a flick on her arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"I thought maybe you had passed out or something the way you're spacing out toda...."

Tammy trailed off as she followed Mati's gaze to Jon.

She narrowed her eyes at Mati.

"What's going on with you and Mr. Toews?"

Mati flushed. She wasn't sure if she should say anything..maybe she could pass it off as a crush or something but why lie?

"Uh well we maybe had dinner last night and stuff...." She said sheepishly, not sure what to anticipate from a reaction.

"I knew it!" Tammy exclaimed. "The excitement this morning, the way he's been looking at you for weeks. Corey called it."

It was Mati's turn to question.


"Yeah, Corey and I were betting on Toews and you getting together. Duncan thought it would be Kaner."

"Wait, you were betting on this?!"

"Honey, I know you weren't coming here with intentions of finding a man, but I think every single guy here is crazy for you."

Mati was really flushing hard now.

"why?!" she exclaimed.

"You're cute, nice, smart, don't put up with their shit, and you have zero clue who any of them were when you came here, so they knew you would never use them. You introduce most interns to these guys and they all melt in a puddle at their feet and spend the whole time focused on them, not their internship."

Mati hadn't thought about that before. These guys were used to girls who were using them.

But still. She thought Tammy was over exaggerating a tad.

"Thanks for the compliment, Tam, but I still think you're crazy. But yes, to answer your first question, we had dinner, it was a lot of fun, he's so sweet, and I think there might be something there. But I won't let it interfere with my work, I swear." Mati told Tammy.

"I know that. You're smarter than that."

They watched the rest of practice in companionable silence as they both read through the questions for upcoming interviews with players. When the guys got off and headed to the locker room, the two women headed back to the media office.

A little while later, a freshly showered Jonathan Toews appeared in the doorway.

"Hi Mati!" He said eagerly. "Oh, hey Tammy.." he said as he noticed her sitting across from Mati.

Shit. He thought. He didn't want to get Mati in trouble by seeing her. He didn't know if it was against any rule....there had never been anyone working for the organization that he had been interested in like this.

"Hey Jon." Tammy replied. "Mati, why don't you head to lunch?" She suggested with a smile and a subtle wink.

Jon shot Mati a questioning look, but Mati was already grabbing her jacket and purse.

"Well, since you've been offered already, would you like to have lunch with me?" Jon asked Mati as they stepped out into the hall.

"Why sure Jon. I would love to." Mati drawled. Jon would never get over her cuteness.

They stepped out into the chilly Chicago air and walked arm in arm to a small cafe that was right across the street from the UC.

Inside, Jon questioned Mati about Tammy.

Mati blushed.

"I'm not gonna lie, I got a little distracted watching y'all practice and she got it out of me."

"So by "y'all" you mean me?" Jon teased her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Mati winked.

Damn it she was perfect. was all Jon could think.

They laughed and chatted their way through lunch, and before they knew, it was time for Jon to nap and Mati to get back to work.

Jon walked her back to her office, and as he dropped her off, kissed her cheek and pulled her into him.

"I'll see you tonight?" he questioned.

"Of course" Mati grinned.

"See you later, gorgeous." he grinned back.

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