Chapter 15

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A few weeks flew by, Jon and Mati were spending as much time together as they could. 

 They had been hanging out at Jon's apartment most of the time. Their time together was well spent, and Jon felt like he knew all the little details of Mati's life. Her favorite things, to the story of when she sweet talked her way out of a ticket.  He loved what they had going. They'd cook a meal together or grab take out, and then lay on the couch with a movie on in the background and just talk. It had only been a month since it was all official (he had asked her officially with a dozen roses over dinner) but he felt like he had known her forever.

Mati had come along on the road trip they were currently on. Tonight they were playing the Habs before heading home tomorrow. She had never been to Canada before, and thought Jon really didn't think it was any different from most of the US, he obliged with Mati's excitement to wander around Montreal in between morning skate and when they needed to be loading the bus to head to the Bell Centre.

They met in the hallway to head down to team breakfast together. The team and Tammy knew about them but since it wasn't exactly known what the front office would think of the two dating, they kept it strictly friendly around anyone else. They sat down at opposite ends of the table, and chatted with their surrounding people but both kept stealing glances at the other one.

As Jon headed to skate, Mati headed back to her room to get ready for the day, figuring yoga pants and a hoodie weren't really sightseeing with your boyfriend appropriate.

After a long decision of digging through her suitcase, she decided on a pair of black skinny pants, and a purple and grey loose sweater. It was a warm March in Montreal so she could get away with just that.

Jon rushed back to his room to change when the team got back to the hotel. He was eager to spend the day with Mati, even though it was a short time. Hockey was getting in the way of their time together lately.

Hockey was getting in the way? Stop it, Jon.

He couldn't believe he thought that. He vowed to himself that nothing got in the way of his dream, and especially not a girl.

But, she wasn't just any girl.

He just mentally scolded himself and walked to meet his beautiful girl.

The entire time they wandered around downtown Montreal, all Jon thought about was how badly he wanted to kiss her. But he couldn't, not with the small possibility of Mati losing her internship over it.

But damn it, she was cute.

Mati was enthralled with Montreal. She was disappointed they didn't get to see much since they were on a time constraint, but as they walked Rue St Paul, she realized it didn't matter. She was still in a beautiful city in a different country with an incredible person. They ate their lunch at a cute bistro with an outdoor patio. As they finished their meal, Jon glanced at his phone.

Fuck. He was almost 45 minutes behind on his pre-game nap. He hadn't ever broken that routine. The day had slipped by them so fast, yet he didn't really care. It had been worth it to see Mati's face light up when she saw something she liked, and how excited she had been to buy a maple scented candle for her mom and t-shirts for her sisters in a cheesy gift shop.

Mati grabbed her phone out of her purse as they started getting up to head towards the hotel.

"Jon!" she exclaimed.

"Yes babe?"

Mati felt the butterflies. She hadn't gotten used to babe yet.

"You're late for your nap like so late like I am so so so sorry late! Ohmygod if y'all lose tonight it's my fault fuuuuu-"

Jon cut her off.

"Beautiful, it's fine. I knew it was getting late (lie) but it was worth every minute of it and honestly, I'm a little sad we have to head back now. We won't lose because of you tonight. We just won't lose period, how's that sound?" he smiled at her as they continued walking.

"If you say so hon." Mati smiled back at him.

When they reached the hotel, they went their separate ways until it was time to get on the bus.

Jon had managed to get his whole routine in and Mati, feeling inspired, cranked out a new song...or at least the lyrics.

It was a productive two hours.

The game that night was an easy win. Usually a home crowd in the Bell Centre was rough, but the Hawks had the confidence flowing tonight. Mati watched anxiously through the third, until she was confident that the 4-1 lead with two minutes left was enough. She jogged to the media room where she met back up with Tammy again to get ready for the press.

Two hours later, Mati was silently thanking God that the post-game had gone smoothly, and she could finally crawl into bed after a long day. Jon was too, but wasn't in the mood to sleep alone tonight.

As they were waiting to get onto the bus, Jon snuck up behind Mati and poked her side, making her jump.

"Agggh! What is up with y'all and scaring me!" She earned a few chuckles and shit-eating grins from Jon and Pat.

He subtly whispered in her ear "come find me at the hotel."

Mati nodded at him and they climbed on.

As they crawled off the bus, something Jon felt like he did way too much of, he scanned the group for Mati. She pushed through to him.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Well I was uh wondering if you wanted to come watch TV with me or something tonight, maybe stay with me?" he asked her, nervously. He wasn't really sure why, but he was. Something about her still made him tongue tied.

Mati beamed. "I would love to. Let me drop my stuff off and I'll be on my way.

Jon anxiously awaited her arrival. They had spent a lot of time together, but hadn't yet spent the night together. While he was waiting, he channel surfed, finally settling on It's Always Sunny.

What seemed like forever later, he heard a knock and opened it see Mati in her sweats and an old t-shirt with her hair up.

"I'm sorry." She apologized as she stepped in. "I just spent 20 minutes getting shit from your teammates about our sleepover." she rolled her eyes.

"I'll work them extra hard next practice." he laughed.

They laid down on the bed together.

"I love this show." Mati mumbled into his chest.

Jon kissed her on the forehead and pulled her in tighter as she laughed at the TV.

No more than a few minutes later was she out like a light. Jon was fighting sleep himself, and quickly fell into a deep sleep right beside her.  

A couple hours later, Jon woke up to the sound of a phone buzzing.  Mati's was lit up and showed a picture of her and a blonde girl holding drinks with grins on their faces.  The phone stopped buzzing and a few moments later, a text popped up from one of her best friends, Tyra.

Just realized what day tomorrow was...amazing what happens when you spend a day outta McKin and don't dwell.  Love you boo thing.  Call me tomorrow k? <3

Jon didn't feel like he needed to wake up Mati for it, so he pulled her in and fell back asleep.

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