Chapter 7

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Jon woke up the next morning with his alarm for practice. He grabbed his phone to shut his alarm off and saw he had two texts. The first one was from Mati. It was a picture of them asleep on each other with a caption of guess someone did get some sleep on the plane:)

He smiled to himself. She was incredible.

The other text was from Kaner. Same picture.

Get it Jonny ;);)

Typical Kaner.

He jumped in the shower and headed for practice.

As he walked into the locker room, the chirps started immediately.

"So you and the intern eh, Tazer?"

"Jonny found him a little lady!"

"Hit that yet?!"

"Shut up all of you". He said as he walked in.

"Surprised you aren't saying all y'all yet, Jonny!" Pat yelled from across the room.

Jon shook his head, and got geared up for practice. During all of the drills, he kept looking for Mati. Her and Tammy had come down to watch quite a few of the practices lately but they never showed. After he was done showering, he decided to take the long way out to his car, to see if he could "accidentally" run into her, but no luck.

Mati had shown up this morning, and Tammy made it a very short day. She knew she had a plane to catch tonight, and Mati had been putting in long days. They went over a few things, and she was home free.

She finished packing and went into the living room where Tess was waiting to drive her to O'Hare.

As they pulled up to the drop off area, Tess reminded her to call her this time when she landed Sunday night.

"I will this time!" She shouted as she shut the car door.  Although, she liked having Jon drive her home more.

She walked up to security and made it through. As she settled into a seat at her gate, she put her headphones in and texted TR to let him know when her flight was supposed up be in. Since she was gone for almost 5 months, she was subletting her apartment. She was staying with Thomas Rhett when she went down there for now. The two had met when he started spending summers in McKinley because his grandparents lived there, and he was the one to ultimately convince her to move to Nashville and pursue a career.

They announced her flight and she bounded up to the line to get to her comfort place.

The flight only took an hour and a half, and before she knew it she was giving Thomas and his wife, Lauren big hugs.

"Missed y'all so much".

"We missed you too". Thomas replied.

She was restless, excited to get into the studio in the morning. She was only here for two full days so she wanted to make it count. She was doing backing vocals on Luke Bryan's newest Spring Break album, and had written a handful of the songs with him so it promised to be a good time. As she fell asleep, she couldn't help but think about Jon. She hadn't seen him at all today and thought about texting him, but what would she say? Hey, call me crazy but I think I like you even though we barely know each other and I wanted to say good night? She decided against it. She would see him soon enough.

Jon laid in bed thinking about Mati. He thought about texting her because he hadn't seen her today but he didn't want to seem clingy or stalkerish. He really did like her though. Ahh maybe tomorrow he would think of something.

A/N: Sorry this one is so short...kind of a filler chapter.  Please comment if you have any suggestions or if you are liking the story or not!

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