Chapter 28

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A week and a half later, things were finally settling down and Mati was en route to their Chicago apartment. She and Jon had talked long and deep about everything and they both felt good about where they sat.

What better way to remind him of that then to surprise him?

She was stuck in traffic, of course, and was running out of time. He'd be home from practice in 20 minutes, and she was still a few blocks away and had to park and get up there.

Cardio day.

Finally, the Chicago traffic let up and she sped into the garage and smashed the elevator button repeatedly, like that was going to make it go faster. When the doors finally opened, she jumped in and pressed the button for the top floor, and mentally cursed her boyfriend for living that high up.

A quick glance at her phone told her she had under 10 minutes before he was home. A short eternity later, she was unlocking the door. She hadn't been back since their fight, over two weeks ago. It smelled like cleaning supplies. Last night when they Facetimed, she had been giving Jon a hard time about the dishes piled up in the sink, so in retaliation he told her that when she got home (tomorrow, to the best of his knowledge) the place would be so spotless, she wouldn't recognize it.

Her phone chimed with a text.

Heading home from me if you are around this afternoon? Nothing important, I just miss you :(

She giggled to herself. She'd do one better than a phone call.

Knowing she only had a few more minutes, she ran to their bedroom, first place he'd go, and crawled under the blankets.
As she rolled over to his side of the bed, she noticed a new frame had appeared on his nightstand. It was a picture of them curled up together on Kaner's couch that he had taken being stupid, but it turned out really cute actually. Jon really did miss her.

The sound of the door unlocking startled her, and she quickly wiggled under the blankets so only her head was sticking out. Like she assumed, she heard Jon drop his bag by the door, grab a Gatorade from the fridge and heard his familiar footsteps trotting to the bedroom. The man always walked like he was in a hurry to get somewhere, even to grab clothes from the bedroom.

Jon's face when he opened the door was worth it all. He went from surprised to elated in a mere second and quickly came over to the bed to scoop her up.

"When the hell did you get here?!"

"Literally about 10 minutes ago. I couldn't wait any longer to see you." she grinned as he attacked her with kisses.

Jon's only response was to lay her back down and curl up next to her. She wrapped her arms around him as he buried his head into her neck.

"I missed you." He reminded her as he started laying light kisses on her neck and collarbone.

"I missed you too but unless you plan on staying in this bed all afternoon, you had better stop that." She said, only half joking.

"Mmmm I've got nowhere to be." He whispered as his kisses started trailing down her body.

Mati and Jamie were doubled over in tears for what was the third time since they had been sitting, sipping coffee at a Starbucks down the road from Johnny's Ice House. Jamie was telling Mati about the antics at practice the past few days.

"My God, it's like y'all are paid to babysit more than anything." Mati cried.

Jamie shrugged her shoulders and nodded.
"Feels like it somedays!"

A Little More You (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now