Chapter 13

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A/N:  This chapter is a little different than the last one...and it's kind of vague, but it all comes together soon!

Almost a week had passed by, and Mati found herself lying in bed at 3am, crying and shaking, trying to cut out the memory of the nightmare that had startled her awake out of her head. She hadn't had this one in what seemed like forever, yet here it was, still rocking her to the core like it always did. It had been almost 5 years since it all happened, yet she still saw it like it was yesterday. It was the same as always, nothing was different. Then all of a sudden, it was like she was just watching from above. They were driving in his truck together. It's dark, so dark and late at night. Something makes an awful noise and the truck starts rolling. She screams and tries so hard to save him. The next thing she knows, it's at the funeral and all she sees is his face.

She hated this nightmare more than anything. She hated even more that it was three in the morning and she had no one to call. She had plenty of people who would answer if she did, but she never felt good waking people up in the middle of the night to bug them about her problems. When they first started, it was so bad that her parents would take turns sleeping in her room to be there when it inevitably woke her up. 17 years old and she still needed her mom and dad to was not a high point in her life.

So Mati laid in bed and took deep breaths and tried to think about anything else.

She thought about watching Jon play at the game she went to after their lunch date. She decided that night to try to learn more about the game. For him.

She thought about the sweet texts she and Jon had been sending back and forth. The Hawks were on their way to LA tonight for the final game of the road trip they were currently on. He told her earlier he missed her.

Mati was falling so hard, so fast, it scared her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a faint buzzing noise. She glanced down at her phone to see she had a new text.

And she was worried about waking someone up...

It was Jon.

I know you're sleeping, but when you wake up tomorrow let me know if you would like to have a movie night or something when we get back :) ready to see a lovely lady instead of these goons.

Jon had just walked into his hotel room. He was exhausted. He hated western games. It was after three in Chicago, but only midnight in LA. Their game against the Sharks was done by 9 but felt like midnight. It wore him out.

He missed Mati. He told her before the game tonight They had only had two real dates but the back and forth texts and the time he had spent with her before had ingrained her into him.

He decided to shoot her a text before he crawled into bed. He knew she would be asleep but something told him to give her a text to wake up to.

Just a moment after he sent it, his phone lit up with Mati's name.

I am more than game for that. Let me know when. They're your goons at least.

Jon wasn't sure what possessed him but he picked up his phone and hit call on her contact.

It only rang twice before she answered. She sounded upset, but it might have just been the fact that it was the middle of the night.

"Hey Mats. I figured I would call and say good night seeing as how you were up."

She allowed herself a small smile.

"Yeah I am. How was your game?"

He could have rambled for hours about everything that went wrong in 60 minutes, even though they pulled off a win.

"It was good. We won."

"I saw...I've learned your habits though. I know you don't think it was that good."

He laughed softly. "You're right. I've been going over every shift in my head since I stepped off the ice."

"Well stop that Jonathan. Y'all still won and that can't be changed now."

Her accent was thicker when she was sleepy and he thought it was the sweetest thing in the world.

"That's true. I'll try. Just for my girl?" He questioned.

"Why are you questioning that, Toews?"

"I just wanted to see what you would say."

"Well...." she trailed off.

"Well what?" He asked, almost panicked.

She giggled half heartedly.  Something was definitely up.

"Well you already have your goons. I think you need someone to be your girl too."

He sighed in relief.

"Well then, my girl, will you officially be my girl?"

She smiled bigger this time.

"3am phone call wasn't how I planned to ask you this. So I'll make it up to you" He added.

"Jon, it's fine, of course I'll be yours."

He grinned so big, he was fairly certain his cheeks were touching his ears.

"Then, as my first official act as your boyfriend, I'd like to ask you something?"

"Yes dear?" Mati asked.

"What's wrong beautiful?"

Mati was taken aback. She thought she was doing a good job of hiding it. She didn't want to tell Jon about the nightmares yet, especially since they had been idle for so long. Could he really see through her that much already?

She sighed and paused. He wouldn't buy it if she just said she was tired; that she knew.

"Nothing, just a bad dream that woke me up. Shook me up a little bit." she told him, honestly.

Jon frowned, 1500 miles away from her. He wanted to go to her and hold her and lay with her until she fell asleep again.

"I'm sorry Mats. Do you want to tell me about it?"

He sounded so sincere, she almost did want to tell him.

"No it was just one of those dumb falling dreams. There's nothing to really tell you about." she lied.

He didn't buy that either but he knew better than to push it.

"You can call me anytime. I don't care what time it is or what I'm doing. Call me anytime you need someone to talk to. Okay?" He told her.

"I will, I promise." she said through a yawn.

"Getting tired again?" Jon prompted.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better after talking to you."

"Well, gorgeous, I will let you get back to sleep. But call me if you wake up again. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night Mati."

"Night baby." she drawled through the phone as they hung up.

Jon had really not intended to ask her to be his girlfriend over the phone but it felt right and he knew he wanted her more than anything in the world. He was worried about her bad dream, but felt better knowing she had fallen back asleep. Besides, he would see her in two days.

They both fell into the best sleep either had had in a long time.

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