Chapter 6

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The next evening, Mati found herself standing in the tunnel, watching a battle between the Hawks and Penguins ensue. Jon and Crosby were at each other and both had already received minor penalties for going at each other. And this was only the second period. The game was tied 1-1. Pat got a breakaway just before the buzzer, but Fleury stopped it. As the boys walked in to the locker room, Mati saw the frustration on their faces. Jon was the last one through, and as he walked by, he shot her a smile. She gave him one back and stood guard by the tunnel until they came back out.

The third period didn't go much better. Jon was frustrated and pissed off at Crosby. All he wanted was to beat the cocky asshole. During opening face off, he had made comments about Mati, since they had evidently run into each other at some point before the game. And Jon didn't like it one bit.

With 4 minutes left in the game, Jon scored with the motivation of Mati and frustration behind it.

Mati loved watching the guys celly (she just learned that's what it was called after a lesson by Pat). Now that she had been paying more attention to Jon, he was really adorable when he scored. He would hate to hear it described as adorable, but that's what it was to Mati. She couldn't help but cheer. The Pens had been giving them a hard time tonight, and even though when Mati had talked to Sidney Crosby earlier, he had seemed nice enough, he was being a dick on the ice.

"Are you lost?" Mati heard a voice behind her. She spun around and saw a guy with dark hair and a Penguins dri fit shirt on.

"Yeah actually I am" she chuckled.

He shot her a make-your-knees-weak smile.

"Where can I take ya?" He asked

"I'm looking for the media room".

"Come with me. I'm Sid by the way". He smiled again

"Mati" she replied. She wondered if he was the Sidney that she had heard about. The next one? Or something. She wasn't sure. He was hot, and getting her where she needed to be.

"Here we are. You flying out tonight or staying one more night?" He asked

"Uhh heading out tonight".

"Damn. Too bad...we're going out after the game. Could have shown you a true good time, unlike those boys from Chicago."

Mati mentally rolled her eyes. He seemed nice enough, but he was turning into a typical guy who thinks he knows every girl wants him because of who he is. Well, better luck next time bud. I don't have a clue who you are.

"Awh shoot. That is too bad. But thank you again for showing me here". She said, being polite as always and keeping a tight smile on her face.

"5,4,3,2,1!" She counted down with Tammy. The Hawks had won, 2-1, and their demeanor was definitely changed as they herded into the locker room.

She gave the guys fist bumps as they walked by, and as Jon trudged in, she smiled.

"Nice goal out there. It was" She smiled questioningly.

Jon laughed. "Close enough. Thanks Mat."

Her face flushed a little bit.

Jon was looking good, even being sweaty. She shook her head and tried to snap out of that. A day ago, she didn't even like him as a person and now she was blushing and thinking he looked good? No. That's not why she's here. She's here for an internship and then she's shipping back to Nashville to really get moving forward with her writing and singing. A crush wasn't going to help that.

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