Chapter 4

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The next few weeks flew by. They were a blur of press conferences, appearances, and putting out media fires. Mati was getting anxious to get back to Nashville the following week, and it felt like the days were dragging on. When she went into work that day, Tammy ambushed her.

"Soooo Mati, how do you feel about traveling?"

"Umm I don't mind it...." She suspiciously answered.

"Well, how would you like the accompany the team on this upcoming road trip?" Tammy replied

"Uh...yeah sure that sounds good" She replied. It was only a 4 day road trip, and she would be back two days before she left for Nashville.

"Great!" Tammy replied cheerfully. "The east coast media can be brutal so it's always good to have extra people with."

She knew she needed to get home and pack, the plane left tomorrow evening.

After finalizing travel agendas, Mati went home to pack, and crawled into bed.

The next morning, after a run, shower, food, and a few hours of writing, Mati headed out. She had Tess drop her off at the UC so that she could ride with Tammy and wouldn't have to leave her car anywhere. It was a 2011 Cruze, and while it was nothing special, she had worked hard to pay for it and didn't want anything to happen to it.

They reached the airport and for some reason, Mati was feeling jittery.

"Mats! You're coming with us?!" She heard a voice yell. Turning around, she saw it was Shaw.

"Mats, huh?" She smirked. "Yep, sorry you're stuck with me for the next few days".

They boarded the plane and Mati settled in next to Tammy. She drifted off for awhile but woke up right as they were about to land in New York. Game against the Rangers tomorrow night, the Penguins the following night, then home. As she woke up she happened to glance up and see none other than Jonathan Toews staring at her. When he met her eyes he blushed and turned away.

What the heck did I do now? She thought. She shook it off and turned her attention to Tammy who was running through the schedule over the next few days.

By the time they had unloaded the plane, loaded onto the bus, and went to the hotel, it was already 11 and everyone was exhausted. One of the perks of traveling was getting your own room, so Mati was pleased when she walked into a large room with a huge, all white, very comfy looking king sized bed. She had barely fallen into it and grabbed her phone to text her mom when there was a knock on the door. She looked through the peep hole to see Kane and Shaw standing outside the door.

"Couldn't sleep without a bed time story?" She asked them

"Hmm if you're offering...." Shaw said.

"Y'all want princesses or dragons?" She laughed

"Both, if they can answer a question for us" Kaner spoke up as he also pushed through the door and flopped onto the bed.

"Hey now!" Mati protested as Shaw fell in next to him.

She sighed and fell in between the two of them.

"Now what's your question?"

"Were you serious about not having a boyfriend?" Shaw asked seriously

"Um yes pretty sure..." Mati said slowly.

Both boys looked over her and grinned.

"Thanks Mats, sleep tight". They giggled as they got up to leave.

Mati shook her head and finished her text to her mom to let her know she had landed and was safe and sound in the hotel and that she would call her later this week.

Her mom replied with a love ya and a bunch of heart and kissy face emojis. She loved her mama, but sometimes she made her wonder.

She tried to fight sleep, but couldn't resist it As she drifted off, she tried to analyze why Kaner and Shawzie made such a big deal out of her not having a boyfriend. She would think about it tomorrow, she thought, as her eyes shut.

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