Chapter 17

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The next morning came way too early in both of their opinions. Jon couldn't even be mad though when he saw the beautiful blonde in his arms. She stirred as he kissed her forehead.

Mati felt the headache the moment she woke up. Savoring the last minutes of sleep, she was interrupted by a kiss and a sweet voice.

"Wake up baby" He murmured in her ear.

Her swollen and sore eyes fluttered opened. 

 Why were crying headaches always so much worse than a hangover?

She smiled at him and stretched as she returned his kiss.

"Anymore dreams last night?" Jon asked her with concern in his voice.

"None." She smiled at him. "Seriously Jon, thank you for listening..and letting me cry to you last night. I'm sorry you're probably exhausted right now."

"Babe, don't worry about that. I can sleep on the plane, last night was much more important than that."

She smiled at him again.

"Okay hon."

"I should go back to my room before anyone sees me sneaking out..." she told him.

"I wish it didn't have to be like this." He said, sadly. "But probably. I'll see you on the bus beautiful." Jon planted one last kiss on her lips.

Mati wandered back to her room as stealthily as she could. Successfully avoiding anyone, she quickly showered and threw on a Hawks hoodie and yoga pants and made her way downstairs.

She was greeted in the lobby by Kaner making suggestive looks in her direction. She walked over to him and subtly smacked him upside the head.

"Stop!" She scolded. "Nothing like that happened, thank you very much."

Corey overheard her and butted in. "What? Cap didn't score last night?" he feigned fake shock.

"Well bless a heart." Shawzie jumped in with an exaggerated accent.

Mati glared at the three of them.

"Y'all are absolutely ridiculous. And Andrew; it's bless your, on that note, bless your heart." She smirked and walked away.

Jon made his way towards her as they climbed the steps onto the plane. He hadn't had a chance to talk to her since she left his room. He quickly grabbed the seat behind hers. They made conversation for a little while before neither of them could fight sleep anymore.

Later that night, Mati was lying in her bed texting Jon and watching a movie when her phone started vibrating with Tyra's name on the caller id.

"Hey Ty!" Mati answered.

Tyra frowned a thousand miles south. This wasn't the attitude she was expecting.

"Mati hi" she said breathlessly as she tossed another bottle into the bucket under the bar.

"Working?" Mati asked.

"Always" Tyra laughed.

They made idle conversation for a little while before Tyra brought up her real reason for calling.

"Darlin' no offense but why are you acting so...normal today?"

Mati's eyes immediately scanned the BU calendar On her wall.

"I...I didn't even realize what today was. I saw your text earlier but it didn't even register. But it explains the dream last night..."

"The same one?" Tyra questioned.

So Mati launched into the story of last night and how she finally told Jon everything.

"I'm proud of you Mat. It's good you told him and you can talk to him." Tyra encouraged.

"I just can't believe I forgot it was his birthday" Mati confessed sadly to her best friend.

"But maybe it's a good sign. You found someone else. He's never gonna replace AJ but it doesn't mean you can't be happy again and make new memories and dreams."

Mati thought about it.

"Maybe you're right."

Mati talked to Tyra for a long time after that, catching up on what was happening at home, and making plans to see each other soon.  Mati missed her best friends badly.  Tyra and Taylor both completed her in different ways.  Tyra was the reserved but sassy one.  She had been through her share of hard times, and understood things Mati had gone through.  Taylor was the loud, fiesty one.  She had grown up the only child of a wealthy cattleman who adored his wife and daughter, and had made sure they never wanted.  They were generous people and had always taken care of Tyra and Mati as much as their own daughter, and Taylor was never snotty about her money.  She worked and was still working on their ranch every day of her life and was not afraid to get dirty.

She missed her family too, but old friends added something to your life you just can't get from anyone else.

Before she went to sleep that night, she tentatively planned a trip to Texas.  The Blackhawks playoff run was putting a little hold on her actually planning a trip, but knowing it would be coming made her happy.

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