Chapter 29

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 "You had it all for a pretty little while
And somehow you made me smile when I was sad
You took a chance on a bruised and beaten heart
And then you realized you wanted what you had
I guess I should've been more like that"
-Miranda Lambert  

Unfortunately, the media didn't let up. A few weeks into January, Mati was back in Nashville for her album release party. Jon felt like shit, knowing he was in Edmonton while she was celebrating a huge milestone in her career. She had assured him it was okay, even though she had a pit in her stomach from wishing he was there.

Luke had been one of the people there to celebrate with her, and evidently, the reporters who were also there figured the pair would be doing their own celebrating later. A well taken picture of Luke gazing at her adoringly and her kissing him on the cheek; good-bye for now?  Leaving the party separately....

"Jon, he was giving a speech and looked at me one time!" Mati fought. "And I kissed him on the happens all the damn time." She groaned in frustration.

Jon believed her. He hoped he could...he'd always had an issue with Luke though and this only brought it out.

He ran his hand over his face. It was nearly 3am and they both needed to go to bed.

"Babe, it's fine, I just saw it and reacted."

"I'm sorry that it happened like this, baby. I would never do anything like that."

Mati's voice sounded small as she told Jon what he already knew.

"It isn't your fault that the press are a bunch of assholes." Jon reassured her.

"Just another reason for Chicago to hate me..." Mati trailed off.

Jon sighed. "Mati, we've been over this. Go to bed and don't let it bother you anymore. I love you."

Mati replied and frustrated, stabbed the end button.

Since when did relationships have to involve everyone else.

The next day, the Hawks were enjoying a rare day off in Calgary. Jon had just had lunch with Seabs, Duncs, and Kaner. They were meandering through the downtown area when something caught his eye. He stopped quickly to stare at the diamond sitting in the window.

Seabs clapped him on the back.

"Thinking about taking the plunge, Jonny?" He grinned.

Jon blushed. 

"It's crossed my mind a time or two. Seems a little soon still but that ring her?" Jonny questioned if saying that made sense. And if it would get the guys that were now huddled around the window with him to not give him shit.

Duncs offered up his advice.
"I'm probably not the best one to be giving advice on marriage right now but Jonny, my boy, if it's the ring, get it. You'll know when it feels right to actually ask, but better to have it.

Jon bit his lip. Maybe Duncs was right.

"I don't know her ring size or anything though." Jon protested.

The three he was with shook their heads and smiled.

"Let's just go in.." Seabs suggested.

45 minutes later, Jon was clutching a black box and slightly hyperventilating. He couldn't believe he had done it.

Mati noticed something was up on their nightly technologically assisted date. Jon seemed antsy but she chalked it up to adrenaline from the win the night before.

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