Chapter 10

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Tuesday morning found Mati sitting at her desk, looking through some interview requests when she heard a knock at the door. Without looking, she said "come in!"

In stumbled Jon. Mati heard a laugh from behind the door and footsteps walking away.

She must have given him a strange look because he shrugged his shoulders and just said "Pat."

Mati knowingly nodded. He could be a handful.

"So what's up?" she asked him, trying to contain her happiness. The fact that he was looking flawless in a pair of black Nike shorts and a tight red shirt wasn't helping.

He gave her an awkward smile.

"Well uh, I don't mean to be so, um forward, but I was uh wondering if you maybe would want to go out sometime."

His face was slightly flushed, which Mati found adorable.

She grinned. "I would love to."

He visibly relaxed. A smile spread across his face as he asked "really?"

Mati giggled. "Of course really."

"Okay what about Thursday night? No game or anything so..."

"Thursday sounds perfect, Jon."

"Great, I'll text you details then!" He said as he started to get up. "I better get back to my workout or Pat will come find me."

"Don't have too much fun!" Mati chirped as he walked away.

Holy shit. She thought. I have a date with Jonathan Toews.

Jon sauntered back to the weight room. He couldn't believe she had said yes. He didn't want to be so forward with it but Pat literally pushed him into it. So now he had two days to come up with a perfect date.

As he walked into the room, all the guys got silent. Jon, knowing Pat had told everyone what he just went to do, glared at him. Pat just innocently shrugged his shoulders.

"Since you guys aren't going to do anything until I tell you, she said yes."

The room erupted into hoots and hollers. Jon rolled his eyes and walked over to the bench. Just as he was putting it up, Shawzie and Sharpie stood over him and asked "what are you going to do with her?"

Jon groaned and racked the bar.

"I don't know yet. Help me with ideas!"

They both chuckled.

"You gotta impress her, man." Shawzie said.

"Flowers, dinner, the whole nine yards." Sharpie told him.

"And make sure your sheets are clean so when you bring her home she-"

Jon cut Shawzie off.

"I'm not doing that with her. She's not some puck slut. Hell, she barely knows what hockey is."

"We're just giving you shit, cap. You'll think of something." Sharpie said.

He sure as hell hoped so.

A/N: Sorry this is so short....I had a hard time writing this part for some reason. Let me know what you're thinking so far

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