Main Story : Chapter 4

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Choices From Last Chapter

- You walk over to the group of guys :
Go To Section D1

-You watch them from a distance :
Go To Section D2


Section D1
(You walk over to the group of guys)

I decide to walk over to the group of guys. As I get closer, all of their faces are clear. It's Seventeen.

They see me walk up to them. They stop their game of basketball.

"Hey Y/N! We haven't seen you for a couple of weeks." S. Coups says.

"Hey everyone." I say and bow. I still have to be formal to them.

"Who's there?" Jihoon walks in front of everyone and sees that it's me. His expression changes from confused to delighted in less than 5 seconds.

"We haven't talked for so long!" He says. Him being happy made me happy.

"We'll let you two catch up. Join in on the game anytime." S.coups says and everyone goes back to playing basketball. Jihoon and I go to the nearest park bench and sit down.

"Sorry for not seeing you for weeks. Our schedules have been extremely packed ever since our debut." He says.

"It's fine. I haven't seen you either, so it's my fault too." I say. He smiles.

"I was wondering if we could exchange contact information. Only because we can't talk as much because of our schedules." He asks shyly.

"Sure!" I say. We exchange our contact information. His email is strange,

"Hey Jihoon, I was wondering on why there's Woozi in your email." I ask

"My stage name is Woozi." He answers. I stood there confused.

"Should I not call you Jihoon anymore?" His mouth made an, "O" shape.

"Y-You can call me Jihoon." He smiles. His smile warms my heart. Why am I feeling this way?

"Hey guys, we're about to have a picnic. Wanna join us Y/N?" S.coups says.

"Totally!" I say. A big smile forms across my face.

I feel like I've actually made friends. It feels like I actually belong somewhere. I walk over to the picnic table with them.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section D2
(You watch them from a distance)

I decide not to walk over. Based on how well I am at guessing, that is probably not Seventeen.

I sit there and watch their game. I make eye contact with one of them. I quickly look away. I look back up and see that he is walking over.

Seventeen Cloud Nine (Choose Your Path)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant