Woozi's Story : Chapter 7

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Stay up with Woozi :
Go To Section F1

- Go to bed :
Go To Section F2


~The Choice You Make Will Affect Your Ending For The Next Chapter~

Section F1

"Sure, I can stay up with you." I tell him.

All the members go to the washroom as I and Woozi are left in the dance studio alone.

We stand there in silence.

"Why did you want me to stay up with you, Woozi?" I ask him. 

"I just wanted to spend some more time with you." His face gets red. 

Aw, that's cute.

"Do you want to go for a walk? " He asks me.

I check the time; 10 pm. 

"It's dark outside, though." I say.

"Don't worry, if anything happens I'll make sure no one hurts you." He smiles. 

"Okay, why not." I say and smile back.

Woozi and I walk to the front door. 

"S.coups, Y/N are going for a walk!" Woozi yells.

"Okay, be careful!" S.coups says back. We leave the dorms.


When we walk out the door, I thought everything was going to be the same, but today was different.

I hear crickets making noises.

I look up and notice that the stars are shining brighter than usual.

They twinkle as I look at them.

I look over to the right and see a small pond.

The reflection of the moon shines on the water.

Today is absolutely gorgeous.

We start walking.

"I haven't taken a night walk in so long. I think the last time I took one was," He pauses. "when I met you." Woozi says.

A memory flashes in my head.  He protected me from the man. 

"I remember that night. Thank you again for protecting me." I say. 

"Ah, don't thank me. I would do it again if I could." Woozi shakes his head and lightly slaps his face. 

"I sound so stupid." He says to himself.  I laugh.

Seventeen Cloud Nine (Choose Your Path)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz