Woozi's Story : Chapter 2

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Open the door :
Go To Section A1

- Don't open the door :
Go To Section A2


Section A1
(Open the door)

I'll open the door. If anything happens I'll just scream.

I walk towards the door. There's a peephole on the door, but I'm too short to see it.

I open the door and see a young lady standing in front of me.

"Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting, but I was looking for Jihoon." She says. I look confused.

I almost forgot Jihoon is Woozi's actual name. I haven't called him that in so long.   

"I'm sorry, I can't just let a stranger in." I say.

"Oh, my name is Hyunae. I used to be close friends with Jihoon when we were younger." She starts to look up and down at me.

"Oh, you're the girl from the news! Y/N, right?"

"Yes, that's me." I say. 

I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Woozi.

His hair is messy and his eyes are almost completely closed.

"Who's at the door?" He asks me. 

"She said she used to be your close friend. Her name is Hyunae." I say.

When I say her name, his eyes open widely.

"Hyunae?" He walks in front of me.

"Jihoonie!" She runs up and hugs him. This makes my heart ache.

"I missed you so much!" I look away. She stops hugging him.

"Is it okay if I come inside?" She asks.

"Go ahead." He says.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section A2
(Don't open the door)

I don't answer the door. The doorbell keeps ringing. It doesn't stop for 1 minute.

I hear Woozi walk out of his room.

"Can you answer the door?" He says grumpily.

He gets grumpy when he's tired.

"I apologize." I sigh. I slowly walk to the door and open it.

There's a lady about my age standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry for coming so late at night. I'm looking for Jihoon." She says.

I didn't recognize who Jihoon was. Then, I remembered that Woozi's real name is Jihoon.

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