Jeonghan's Story : Chapter 6

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Pick Jeonghan :
Go To Section E1

- Pick Woozi :
Go To Section E2

- Pick Seongwoo :
Go To Section E3

~The choice you choose will affect your ending~

Section E1
(Pick Jeonghan)

"Is it okay if I sit with you, Jeonghan?" I look over at him. 

"Yeah!" Jeonghan says cheerfully.

S.coups, Woozi and Seongwoo enter the pod.

Jeonghan and I wait for the next pod to arrive. The pod finally reaches us and we step into it.


The pod starts lifting us higher and higher. The walls of the pod are glass.

Jeonghan and I are sitting next to each other.

"I'm glad you chose to be in a pod with me. I thought you were going to choose Seongwoo." He says. I smile.

The pod stops at the top of the Ferris wheel.

"Look at the view! It's so pretty!" I look out the pod.

"Woah, everything looks so tiny!" I say. Jeonghan laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"You're acting like a little kid. It's cute." He says.

I blush when I hear him call me 'cute'.

I turn my head so he doesn't see me blush.

"Did I make you angry?" He says. I don't answer him.

"Don't be angry." He puts his arms around me.

Jeonghan, you're making me blush even more!!

"Are you still angry?" He asks.

"I never was angry.." I say.

"Whaat? Why didn't you answer me then?" He asks.

I'm too flustered to answer him. My heart beats crazily.

Why am I feeling this way? I've never acted this way around him before...

The pod starts going around again.

Jeonghan lets go of me.

"Your hair smells good." I hear Jeonghan say to himself.

"Whaaatt??" I blurt out.

"Oh, you heard that. You probably think I'm creepy." He says. I nod.

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