Main Story : Chapter 6

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Sit next to Woozi :
Go To Section E1

- Sit next to Jeonghan :
Go To Section E2


Section E1

I sit next to Woozi.

"Hey Woozi, where are we headed to now?" I ask. No answer.

I look over at his face and notice that he is sleeping. I sit there and stare at his face.

I could sit here forever and look at his face. What am I thinking?!

I clear my mind and stare out the window. The scenery is so beautiful.

All of a sudden, I feel heavy weight on my shoulder. I turn my head and see that Woozi fell asleep on my shoulder. My heart starts to beat faster. I decide to not wake him up.

"Woozi, you're leaning on her shoulder." Jeonghan says. Jeonghan reaches over and lightly hits Woozi's head. Woozi wakes up.

"Oh! Um, I'm sorry." He says as he rubs his eyes.

Why Jeonghan, why? Is Jeonghan jealous?

"Jeonghan, where are we going to now?" I ask him.

"We're headed to the fansigning." He answers.

I look at Woozi. He is messing around with his hat. I can't help but watch him. He notices me.

"Want to learn how to do this?" He asks.

"Yeah sure!" I say.

I feel excited that he asked me to do something with him.

He hands me his hat and tells me what to do. I attempt to do what he did, but I drop his hat. He laughs and picks it back up.

"Let me help you." He says and puts the hat in my hand. He holds my hands.

"Do this, then do this." He guides my hands which causes my heart to beat rapidly. My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest.

"Okay,  do you understand?" He asks me.

"Y-yeah, I u-understand." I say stuttering a few times.

I attempt to do it again. I do worse than I did last time.

"I guess you don't learn things quickly, haha." He says and takes his hat back. At that moment, I hear Seungkwan singing to the top of his lungs. Everyone starts laughing at his randomness. The only laugh I hear above the rest is Woozi's laugh.


We finally arrive at the fansign event.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section E2

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