Woozi's Story : Chapter 5

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Try to change Jeonghan's mind (try to make Jeonghan let Woozi stay) :
Go To Section D1

- Don't say anything (make Woozi sleep somewhere else) :
Go To Section D2

Section D1

"Jeonghan, no. Just let him stay here." I say. 

"No way. He's never acted like this before. He's also treating you like trash." Jeonghan says.

"C'mon, Woozi. Let's get to my place." Hyunae takes Woozi's hand and walks away.

I hear Woozi say, "I'm sorry."


It has been 30 minutes since the incident happened.

The front door opens as the members flood the dorm.

"We're back. Sorry for taking so long." S.coups says. He hangs up his coat.

I could see all the stressed looks on their faces. I wonder what happened...

"Where's Woozi?" S.coups asks. I look over at Jeonghan.

"He never came home." Jeonghan says.

S.coups sighs. "I need to talk to him about something."

I look over at Dino. He's completely asleep.

"You guys should go to bed. You all look pretty tired." I say.

They all go to the washroom and get ready to sleep.

Hoshi walks over to Dino and kicks him.

"Wake up, Dino. You need to actually sleep in the rooms." Hoshi drags Dino into the bathroom.

I'm left alone in hallway. I really want to know what the news is about.


When they finish using the bathroom, I go after them.

I finish getting ready and go to the bedroom.

I can hear Mingyu snore in the other room next to ours.

I turn off the lights and lay in bed.

Today, it feels different. It feels a lot more lonely.

I roll over and remember that Woozi isn't here. I fall asleep with the thought of him on my mind.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section D2

I stay quiet.

He'd rather be with her, so there's no point in arguing.

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