Main Story : Chapter 11

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Refuse going with the person :
Go To Section K1

- Try to run away :
Go To Section K2


Section K1

"No, let go of me!" I shout. I try to get out of their grip.

I feel a sharp pain on my neck. I don't know what happened, but I start to get sleepy. I'm out like a light.


My eyes open and the first thing I see is a pink colored ceiling.

"You're awake." The voice that I hear makes my face go sour.

"Jiae??" I say.

"Yep, it's me." She says.

I try to get up, but my hands and feet are tied together. 

"You're probably wondering why you're here. Well, I saw you and Hoshi talking. I told you to stay away from them!" She stomps her foot on the ground.

I roll my eyes. "Can I go now?" I say.

"You think that's all I have to say? I took a picture of you two. I posted it on social media."

You have to be kidding me, right? That might cause a scandal to form!

"A lot of people saw it. They think you're his girlfriend." 

What if the news finds out? I panic.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask angrily.

"This is all a part of my plan. First, I get the picture of you. Next, upload it. Then, I kidnap you. Last, I tell Seventeen I won't delete the picture and give them back to you unless one of them dates me. Such an ingenious plan." She giggles.

I look at her like she has 2 heads.

"That is a horrible plan. Even if you delete the picture, someone probably saved it and shared it with someone." She looks shocked.

"I didn't think that far! Something bad might happen!" She starts pacing back and forth.

Oh no. There's a scandal now. How are they suppose to cover it up?

"Wait no, you're lying! You're probably trying to trick me so that you can be released. I'm not going to believe you." She says. I sigh.

"I'm going back to their fan signing event." She leaves the room and locks it.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section K2

I try to run away.

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