Jeonghan's Story : Chapter 4

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Choices From Last Chapter

- Ask if you can (stay with Seongwoo for longer) :
Go To Section C1

- Don't ask (to stay longer with Seongwoo)
Go To Section C2

Section C1

"Um, Jeonghan, is it okay if I hang out with Seongwoo? It's been a while since we saw each other." I ask. He thinks for a minute. 

"I'll just tell the guys that you won't meet up until later. If I text you, that means that you have to come back. Got it?" He says.

I nod and walk in the opposite direction with Seongwoo.


We walk for about 6 minutes, then Seongwoo says, "How in the world did you meet Seventeen and become friends with them??p"

I laugh. I guess he's a really big Seventeen fan.

"I don't really remember." I say.

"I could tell that Jeonghan doesn't like me. Probably because I was talking to you." He says.

"What are you talking about? You're so crazy." I give him a little shove. He starts laughing. 

"Look, there's a photo booth! We used to always go in those!" He grabs my hand and drags me towards the photo booth.

We enter the photo booth.

"Uh, I forget how to use one of these." He says.

"Just sit here." I say. He sits next to me. I click the start button.

"Get ready to take a picture in 10...9...8..." The photo booth voice says.

"What, it already started?!" He panics.

I start to laugh uncontrollably.


"Aw, I look like an idiot." He pouts.

"Get ready to take a picture in 10..9..8..7..."

"Ah!" He quickly puts on a smile. I laugh and smile at the same time.


"Why are photo booths so difficult to use?" He says.

We finish taking our last picture. We leave the photo booth.

"Wow, look! They added a new thing where they give you the photos!" He says.

"Haha, they always had that, Seongwoo." I say.

"Really, I don't remember." He says.

I get a text on my phone.

2:08 pm
"Meet us at the roller coaster called High Heights. - Jeonghanie."

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