Chapter 21

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Brie rubbed her left eye, then continued looking up at my father.
We all stood there silent as she approached him slowly.

"What is your name?" She asked him, intrigued by him.

He looked from Brie to myself then to August.

"Brie..." I began saying softly, when I noticed August nodding to my father.

"Hi, my name's Felix" he stooped down to her level and said as she finally got to him. He looked at her in astonishment as his eyes glossed over.

"Hi Phoenix. my name is Brie. You have a pretty shirt," she said as she touched the collar of his button down and admired it.

He beamed at her, while she continued admiring his shirt; while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Babeh, Felix is family," August added, as I just kept watching this unfold. Unable to say a word or stop it.

"Like Uncka Boobie?" She grew excited at the idea of another uncle. She loved them all from Trav all the way to her Uncle T.

August smiled, " You should ask him,"
And urged her on.

"Are you my Uncka mr Phoenix?" She inquired looking up from the shirt she was still running her small hand over.

He chuckled, " No darling. I'm your grandfather," he finally said as they looked each other in the eyes.

"Yo paw-paw babygirl," August simplified the term for her.

She frowned, " but and mommy told me I only had 2 maw-maws,"

"Yea I know babeh. Paw Paw Felix was away for some time. He's yo mama's daddy...and he came a long way to meet you" August tried to explain to her.

She spun back to face my dad, as she seemed to be in thought.

"Kay kay tol' me she has a paw paw," she said more to herself.

"Now I gots a paw paw too!" She looked at her grandfather and smiled. He broke down at that as he pulled her in for a hug.


I looked on as my father and Brie continued there conversation. She was showing him Eddy...along with a bunch of other toys.

August stood there with his arms folded, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Can I talk to the kitchen" I motioned for us to go there.

He lead the way, so I closed the door behind us.

"Why did you allow him to speak to her August?" I questioned him no sooner than the door was closed.

"What da hell did you want me to do? She had already woke- thanks to you- and was questionin da nigga," he smacked his lips before saying.

"He's MY father August, that's not your place!" I semi shouted back

He bent his head to the side as if not gettin what I was saying. "Da fuck it aint! She's my daughter too ya know. That means I have a say in who I feel she can and cannot meet,"

"I never said she wasn't your daughter, but that man just lied to me!"

"Yeah and then he came clean...on his own, just so dat it wouldn't cause any problems in da future!" August yelled back at me getting mad.

"Oh so confessing just takes away the fact that he lied huh?" I narrowed my eyes at him and asked

He sucked his teeth," damn! Stop makin such a fuckin big deal outta this!"

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