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I walked into the kitchen "Mama? Mama!" My mothers blond messy hair showed from inside the pantry. "Mama? I finished with the cows and I finished with the chicks and I washed crumbs. Can I please-" my mother cut me off "Yes Alexandria. Go ahead. Your not going to leave me be until you can." I smiled "Thank you mama." She nodded "just be sure to be back by 5, dinner had best be done by 7 for when your father gets here." I nodded and heading for the door "Yes mama." I opened the door and put one foot out "and Alexandria?" I didn't bother to turn back. "Yes?" "Have fun sweetheart" I smiled "I will mama." I walked outside and took a deep breath. The trees were swaying side to side as the wind blew there leaves off of the trees. They spiraled down in a mini tornado towards the floor. Where they got crushed and stepped on. I walked down the stairs and ran to the gate. My gate. I took off my cream colored apron and pulled out my MP3 player I had gotten for Christmas two years ago, along with my headphones I had gotten with my phone for my birthday. I plugged in my headphones, stuck them in my ears, pulled back my bronze hair into a high ponytail, and started to dance. I could feel the wind blowing  my face, and it felt like I was flying, even though in reality I was only doing plies, it didn't feel like it. And that's what I love about dance. That's what I've always loved about dance, ever since I was four years old I told my papa that I wanted to be a professional dancer. It was my dream, he told me I could, and I believed him. I started taking classes as soon as I could, of course that was we lived in New York City. After that, mama started getting sick from all the smoke in the air. And we had to move, here. To this small town in West Virginia. Don't get me wrong, I love Honeyridge, but I miss dance. I miss all my friends. But most of all, I miss my pink point shoes. I have to leave them when he moved, there was no place to use them here and even if there was, we needed the money. So for now, I just use my flat shoes. It works, but one day, one day soon I'm going to save up enough money to get my shoes back. That is after I save up money for school. That's right, college. I know I know, I'm only eight. But I know what I want to do in life, I know my goals, I know my dream. And I'm going to achieve it. If it's the last thing I do, I'm going to get those pink point shoes.

This is my house

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now