Chapter 19

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She smiled and nodded "that's me! How did you know?" I smiled a little "I saw you practicing your pirouettes earlier. Your amazing." She smiled and blushed "aw thanks! But no." She laughed a little and smiled "your welcome! But yes." She laughed "your the new girl right?" I nodded "it's ok. Just say it." She gave me a small smile "the poop girl?" I laughed quietly "that's me." She held out her hand "Lunden, Lunden Roberts." I took her hand "It's nice too meet you Lunden. I'm Alexandria, Alexandria Hamilton." She smiled and shook my hand "the pleasure is mine. So, can I ask why you were screaming at yourself?" I laughed a little "um actually I'm leaving the university." She looked sad "that's so sad! Why?" I smiled a little "um a friend of mine and I got into some trouble.." She laughed slightly "oh boy." I laughed "yea, they all came rushing in... Including him." She smirked "Him?" I laughed "yup. Out of all my 3 girls I have to have one guy friend." She smiled "I completely understand. My brothers both go here and even though it's crazy, I'm glad to have some guys to talk to at times." I nodded "lucky for you that you have siblings. I'm a single child." She laughed "really? You can have mine! Free of charge!" I laughed and shook my head "I'll pass. Thanks." She smiled "Anytime." I stood up "well, I should go before Alexis makes a big fuss." She looked confused "Alexis?" I nodded "yea, you know her right?" She nodded quickly "yes of course! She's best friends with my best friend." I looked at her "what?" She shook her head "never mind but why would she make a fuss? She's usually ok." I looked at her like she had just said chickens were the new I-phones. "What?" She laughed a little "what happened with Alexis?" I sighed "well, you know my guy friend?" She smiled and nodded "yea, the one that reminded me I have two brothers?" I nodded "you know.. I never got your brothers names!" She thought for a second "oh yea! The younger one is-" she was cut off by someone walking in from outside. "Aly! We've been looking everywhere for you where were you?" I looked up "oh, hey Ty-" I was cut off by Lunden "TYLER?"

This is my phone.. In case you were wondering. Yes. I have one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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