Chapter 12

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"HEAD UP! DANCE WITH YOUR HEADS! HEADS! HEADS!" I got ready for the long complicated combination we were doing. It's a large group of course so we did group one and two. And naturally I was in group two. I took a deep breath, this combo was hard. Like harder then I've ever done. Ok, not that you'll know what I'm talking about... But the combination was right tondu, left tondu, right tondu, arabesque, assemble, fie, assemble, fie, and then a bunch more stuff I didn't know. "COME ON! Next group!" I was up. I started beautifully... But uhh.. Then I actually started dancing. "KEEP UP ALEXANDRIA!" I sighed and tried harder. But I still failed. I stumbled myself across the floor doing something that should have looked something like the combination. Madam Carp sighed "ok, girls put on you point shoes." I sighed as I watched all the girls tie on their satin point shoes. "ALEXANDRIA! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?" I curtsied and walked towards her "umm excuse me madam carp?" She glanced at me " can I help you?" I smiled "yes ma'm. I uh I don't have point shoes." She frowned "Alex is it?" I gave her a small smile "Aly." She ignored me looked at my feet "go on relivé." I went up on my tippy toes. (Which is what relivé is.) she nodded slowly "mhm, ok. Yes Aldria your ankles are very weak. You don't need to be using point shoes." I was speechless "b-but I've been on before." She glared at me "do I look like a time machine?" I looked down and shook my head "no ma'm." "Then why are you dwelling in the past?" I curtsied "my apologies madam Carp." She grunted as she slowly walks away. I walked over to my bag. "Don't beat yourself up over it." I was taken back, no one has spoken to me after that video released. I looked up at a blond haired blue eyed boy. I gave him a small smile "thanks. It's just frustrating I guess." He nodded "yea." He held out his hand "I'm Sky by the way." I smiled and shook his hand "it's nice to meet you Sky. I'm thinking you know who I am." He chuckled and nodded "yea, your the new girl who fell in the manure right?" My face turned red, if I could only go slap those girls right now. Now I'm known as the poop girl? Great! Justtttt great. "Uh.. I guess, I mean yea, That's me." He smiled "well, I didn't think it was right what Alexis did to you. So, what's your real name?" I opened my mouth to reply when madam Carp beat me too it "ALEXANDRA! ARE YOU HEAR TO CHAT OR DANCE?" I gave him a small smile and whispers while sliding into a split, "Alexandria."

This is Sky.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now