Chapter 8

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He handed the card back and I smiled "thanks." He nodded an let go, leaving the door swinging closed.  I'm not sure how but I guess I have quick reflexes because I was standing in the hall, and then as soon as I saw the door closing my foot was in-between it and the wall keeping it opened. The boys eyes got wide and he grinned at me "quick reflexes." I smiled "heh, thanks." He nodded and started to walk away. I turned my back and was about to go inside before I remembered. I spun back around "wait a minute! What's your name?" He looked over his shoulder at me "Tyler." I smiled "Alexandria" he smirked "I know." I smiled and watched him walk away. I walked into my room. "Hello?" I wandered in and looked around the room. Eh two beds... Bags.. Normal dorm. "Hello?!" I dropped all my bags on a (completely) random beds and wandered into the bathroom. "HELLO?" A girl stumbled out of the bathroom, I recognized her... It was the girl with the red pixie cut! I gave her a small smile "hi, I'm-" she cut me off "I know who you are. Your the new girl, from the country." I nodded "yea, that's me." She scoffed and glanced at my stuff "umm that's my bed." Now pause for a second. My parents always taught me that making problems really wasn't worth it in the long run. So I've always been a peace maker, but my parents also taught me to never let someone bully you. Because it's not right. And now I'm torn, is this bullying? Or just being mean? I can't tell. I was the only girl my age back home. I nodded and picked up my bags " sorry." She rolled her eyes and I sighed "look, I get for whatever reason you don't like me. And I have no clue why. But I'm getting the idea it has something to do with Alexis, but we're going to be roommates. So you minds well either like me or at least tell me what I did wrong!" Pixie cut girl sighed and looked around "give me a sec." She walked towards the door and poked her head out. I put my bags on the other bed as she walked back an held out her hand. " Jessie."

This is Jessie.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now