Chapter 17

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Sarah bite into her sandwich and chewed "yea? What about it?" I sighed "well, uhh.." I glanced at Tyler and he continued "well we kinda.." I gave them a sheepish smile "we already got caught." Sarah's mouth dropped open showing her sandwich "oops!" She closed her mouth swallowed and then dropped her mouth back opened. Gracie covered her mouth and Avery just facepalmed. Gracie looked concerned, " so he gave you a warning? Right?" I shook my head "No," I looked down sadly "one of us has to leave the university.." Avery gasped, Sarah pretended to drop dead, and Gracie just stared at us. Sarah looked at me "but.. How did he even find out?" I thought about it.. No one would have told, right? Wrong! JESSIE DUHHH! I sighed "Jessie." Avery frowned "she's so mean! She said she wouldn't tell!" I shrugged "I should've known she was lying." Gracie put her hand on my shoulder "it's ok, your not from the city.. This is new too you." I gave her a small smile "right.." I'm SO sick of people thinking I don't know a thing cause I'm from another place! LIESSS! Tyler glanced at me "you guys, just cause Aly just moved her doesn't mean she's clueless." I smiled "EXACTLY." Everyone looked at me and I laughed and blushed " I mean uhh thanks.. Heh heh.." Tyler chuckled "sure.." I kicked him "OW! Gosh Aly!" I laughed "ha." Sarah smirked "OTP." I rolled my eyes "back on the subject." Avery groaned and plopped in the green crisp grass "but the subject is boring!" I laughed "suck it up buttercup." Sarah laughed "I like that!" I smiled and Gracie frowned  as glanced behind me "guys! We have bigger problems!" I sighed "she's right.. We need to decide." She shook her head "no, not that!" She pointed behind me "THAT." I spun around to face Alexis and her minions. "Oh gawd."

This is Mel.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now