Chapter 6

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I walked carefully down the sidewalk and down the next ally.. It was dark, and wet. But if that was where my room was then, well I kinda needed too get there. I jumped over puddles with was kind of challenging considering I was wearing skinny jeans, high heeled boots and I was carrying three bags on my shoulders. I finally got to the first right and following the directions very carefully I walked down the dark ally, making sure there were no robbers or something lurking in the corners. I was watching every shadow.. Meaning I wasn't watching where I was going and I tripped and fell into a pile of mush. Mud mush you ask? No. Horse poop mush. How did it get there you ask? I have no clue. I just sat there... Starring at my clothes. Which were covered and I mean COVERED in poop. I stood up slowly and heard a snicker, I looked over to see that girl, that had given me the directions and two other girls... One with a red short pixie cut and the other with medium colored brown hair. The pixie cut one lowered her phone "hashtag worst first day ever?" Tears filled my eyes "why?" The girl with the blond hair looked sad and opened her mouth to answer but the black haired girl beat her too it.  "why? For fun! Duh!" I started to step out of the poop but failed and fell right back in. The girls laughed and skipped off. I sighed and just sat there. "Hashtag worst first day ever." I whispered to myself. I felt a hand on my arm and looked up to see a smiling girl with multi colored hair. "Don't mind Alexis and her mindless drones." The girl pulled me out of the muck and I shook myself off "Alexis?" She nodded "that's the girl with the long black hairs name. The other two are Jessie and Mel." I gave her a small smile which was probably hard to see considering I had poop all over my face... So... Yea. "Oh, right. Well thank you." She shook off her now poop smeared hands "no problem. My names Gracie." I held out my hand "Alexandria" she smiled "nice to meet you." I nodded "you too, so.. Can you show me to the REAL dorm rooms?" She nodded and gave me a small smile "sure."

This is Gracie.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now