Chapter 5

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I looked around in the mass of people trying to find a person.. I sign.. A something! Anything to tell me where to go.. Nothing. So I looked around for help. I saw a girl with long straight black hair, I walked over and tapped on her shoulder "hi! I'm Alexandria, I'm kinda lost.. Can you do me a favor and point me to the dorm rooms?" The girl gave me a warm smile "newbie?" I nodded and smiled back. She laughed and took me by the shoulders "ok, look. All you do is head straight out the door and to the right. Dorm rooms are right down the ally." I arched an eyebrow "dorms are outside?" She smirked "look Alexandra it was?" I frowned "Alexandria." She nodded "yea yea.. Whatever. Look hon, your in the city. Things are different here." I gave her a smile and a nod "Right. Thank you for the help." She nodded and pushed me out the door, "anytime hon!" I stumbled out the door and groaned "great. Rain." The sunny mid-day had been replaced with a depressing, sour, sad rainy day. Back at home rain was fun, I would splash and the cows would all moo to the Rain and it was like a song.. And of course when you hear a song... What do you do? You dance, duh. But now... Now as I looked around I noticed maybe.. Just maybe the city and my new home wasn't going to be as great as I thought. Drat.

This is the girl.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now