Chapter 15

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I looked at my shoes.. I was still wearing flats.. But he didn't know that " hey sky.." I smirked. He glared at me " what?" I gave him an innocent smile " just how bad do you think it would hurt if I smashed your feet so hard your feet and my point shoes were best friends?" Sky jumped back and let go before even checking too see if I had my shoes on. I yanked my arm away and ran over to Tyler. He touched my arm "you ok?" I nodded "I'm fine." I glanced at Sky who was giving me a death  stare "still think I'm a pretty one?" He smirked "you would hope so wouldn't you?" I frowned "leave us alone Sky" He walked over slowly "you'll see soon'll want me." I scoffed "want you? Please. Give me a break. It's my first day and I already know who to stay away from." He gritted his teeth and walked closer to me as I backed up into Tyler. "Look-," Tyler stood in front of me "Leave her alone Sky." I blushed I'm so used to fighting alone. I almost forgot that's not always how it works.. I think.. Ehh nah. Sky glared at Tyler "I'll be back.. And when I am.. You'll both be sorry." He walked away and I grabbed Tyler's arm and pulled him away. "Hurry up before he changes his mind!" He chuckled and swung the front door opened "so where are you going?" I walked out and then looked around "oh, uh.." He laughed "come on, let's go find everyone else." I smiled as he took my hand and guided me through the crowd. Everything was going fine until someone grabbed my arm I spun around, making Tyler stop. The girl smiled at me and Tyler "Are you his girlfriend?" I laughed and shook my head "umm no..." She smiled at Tyler "so your still single?" He scratched the back of his neck  nervously "uhhh well.. I-I uhh" I smiled at her "umm I'm sorry uhh what was your name?" The girl kept starring at Tyler and I rolled my eyes "HELLO? Your name!?" She turned to me "oh right! I'm Lilyann." I smiled "well, it's nice I meet you Lilyann. Tyler and me really have to go so.." She nodded and backed up "right. Sorry Ty! I'll see you around?" I snickered and he bit his lips "um yea, sure." I laughed "alright mr popular. Come on." He laughed and kept walking.

This is Lilyann.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now